After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2272 Why do you smear me?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Long Xiao's reaction allows people present in the field, this reaction is too excited?

Even Van Sisi can't help but spit: "Is she not fainted?"

"Oh, who doesn't know? Maybe it is like a whimono, she is in the end of the head." Dongfang Xinyu also took a ridicule.

Not just her, others, whether men and women are basically despising Dragon Dragon.

"It's really uniform! The reaction is so fast, so the speed is really can't see, where is the people who are dizzy."

This is a man saying, and it is not despised in the eyes.

Long Tian proudly learned that Dragon is naturally not strange, but Mo said is very surprised. "Is she not fainted?"

"Put. Whether, wait for the wind, they ask." Long Tian proudly did not intend to stop, but then looked so.

Magasaki is also a calm look, but also stops the old man who wants to ask questions.

Three elders have been very satisfied with Long Xiao's behavior. He is standing in a piece of Dragon Eagle with Longyin Forest. The face seems to be normal, and it is already in the dark, I don't know what it is.

Others of the dragon family can't help but express dissatisfaction with Longxiao, especially the dragon tiger who is still talking to the dragon.

"Longxiu! I didn't expect you to be such a person. I actually helped your sister to fall. You really let me be too disappointed!"

"Just! Originally, the absolute Long Xiao lie concealed the truth, I didn't expect to fainting others, what about you? You actually know that he is installing, or help him harm? Do you still have a conscience?"

The Dragon's Friendly said: "The wind is a good friend of the young master. The last night is still a person who saved Mo City. Although the number of the young owner is unfortunate, at least Mo family is still good, Otherwise, even the people of Mo City must be suffering! "

Long Xi listened to everyone's accused, although he did not let go of Longxiao, but he was already in the face, he also wanted to speak for himself, but several times, he was blocked.

Dragon Tiger once again arrived: "Don't say you don't know, I said that the owner of last night said that the Feng Gong is the benefactor of Mo, is also a dragon's benefactor!"

"Are you treating the benefactors like this? What did you say? Say you don't have no two hearts for the young master? Oh! We are now doubtful, if you are a foreign enemy to find you to help the dragon, you are likely to be betrayed ! "

Longxi can't bear it again, and the voice is quite bright: "I will not betray the little master!"

"It's impossible!" Monthly is not hesitant to block the three words.

Long Xi once again opened: "What do you say?"

"If you have betrayed the night, you will have a behavior that you have just helped! Do you tell?" The month is extremely cold, not her talk to this.

She has given this brother two, but they give up again.

The people like Longxi are like a bomb around them. Now, now, it will be on the point that will make him burning, as long as it is here, it will definitely explod. And this burning point is ... Dragon Xia!

Long Xiaowu turned, the face is already crying, the pear flower belt, exclusive to the moon: "Helong Gongzi! What do you want for Dragon? I admit that I don't say that it is not right, I also admit It is that I fainted to cause you to be accused, but why have you been saying that I betrayed a small master? Why do you smear me? "


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