After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2275, you are not as good as animals!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longxi has already fell in the ground, the whole person stayed, don't know what to do at all ...

"Harby mother? So you just have never raised your own biological mother, you are preferred to die, how can you be so worried? Are you still people? When I got you, you are still In the middle, I have always treated you as a child, bring you to the dragon home, the owner and the wife, the young owners are so good to us, do you actually go to the Lord? "

"How do you make me face them? How do I have a face?"

Dragon Xia has flustered, watching Longxi's words told by himself, she is more fear.

"No, they are my mother, if I don't do it, those people will kill them, I have a hard time."

"What is the hardship? Do you know what is shameless? To say that you are this kind of person! Your energy is not as good, do you understand?" The red art greatly rests his own, and he doesn't directly kill her. I swallowed her.

The violent doubles lick her, angry roaring: "You are more than just your master! Or a child for more than 20 years! It's still so many years, treat you as yourself People, even loved ones! In order to abandon your parents, you can don't care about everything, you are not as good as animals! "

Long Tian proudly, the body of the elderly, and the storm is brewing in the eye.

The whole body of Mo said, if it was not arrogant from the Long Tian, ​​I have already rushed over.

The most acceptable or Mo Yi, the straight shock of the whole body, pointed to Long Xiao Dao: "You still don't know now? You are still unparalleled! They threaten you with your own children. Do you do it? How do you know that those people are my biological parents? It is they are! You shouldn't kill you in the middle of you! "

"You are not worthy of being a person, and even animals are not worthy!"

Long Xiao immediately replied: "No, they are my parents, we have a blood test! They are my blood, do I have a mistake in order to save them? If I don't care, I am not a person who is not filial. "

Dripping blood test?

The month suddenly feels very ridiculous, very ridiculous, it turns out that she confirmed that the other party is a way of her own buddy?

Mojing Mountain is equally anger, "You are still obsessed with it? Do you have anyone?"

Dragon is struggling to think about the clamping hands of the red art, while dissatisfying: "I am right, I am just a loyalty!"

"You!" The palm of the red art is condensed, and she wants to kill her on the spot.

This move arrived as a Dragon Eagle, Dragon Tourin did not shout out.


"Small craftsmanship." The month is evoked.

The red art is red and red, and it is not letting the dragon, and the face that is full of tears is looked at the moon. "Brother, why don't you let me kill her?"

"Don't be stunned by anger, although she is evil, but don't forget that she is embarrassed, there is a real scene." Moon is away, although it is also distressed, but still do it.

The red art flows tears cry, and the dragon is smashed on the ground, and it can't control it.

"Night brother is too bad ... he still experiences so many pains when he die, night brother ..., ..." The red art covered, crying completely.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh. "I didn't expect Long Shao Lord to be killed by the female magic. It is a poor to be betrayed under his own hand!"

The moon saw such a red art, and sighed again. It shouted her up before, and loudly comforted: "I want to cry, cry! Don't worry, everything has me."


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