After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2293 Do you want to be so high?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The people present immediately immediately, waiting for the array to open.

Bai impermanence walks to the front, look at them, suddenly said: "I didn't expect, so many people, you all have to see the Feng Gong?"

Suddenly there is a woman shouting: "To the right, this princess is coming to find the windmare."

"I am also, I specially like to see the windmons, just see that others are not very comfortable, so I want to care."

Yunxiao immediately said: "The emperor is the third emperor of Yunlong, and the Yunxiao, just right to find Feng Bang, I don't know if it is now?"

There are a few night winds, I didn't talk, and I looked at the station.

White impermanence got an eye, ignore him, and look at the night wind, "You are the emperor of Xuantian University?"

"It is." Night wind nodded.

"This is our son to give you, there are three medicinal herbs, which is temporarily inhibited the corpse of you. One can restrain ten days, three just one month, and our son will give detoxification of medicinal medicine before the end of the time. The emperor, in the near future, he needs to recover his life, and it is inconvenient to refine. "

Bai impermanently gave him a bottle, then turned around.

Even if you don't leave a sentence, the people around me suddenly don't solve it, "I'm gone?"

"Yes! Why don't we go in?"

The night wind will receive the Tan medicine bottle, and look at the door, then hook a smile: "Let's go!"

"The emperor, can you really?" Night Civil is still unassured.

"Without breaking, since the other party can give me three temporary Dan medicine, naturally, it will not be able to make a good question, and it must be sure to refine the detoxification Dan in a month." The night wind turned away.

Qi Shao Xun also said: "Let's go! If you are waiting here, you can see people. If the other party will want to see it, you will not deliberately set this obstacle."

I didn't get tangled at night, and I immediately looked up.

Murong saw them left, to Yun Zhao: "What about us?"

"Walk." Yun Zhao also turned around.

Yunxiao suddenly depressed, "What is going on? How can I use this emperor?"

Others also feel that they are not awesome, and they will follow them.

In the end, there were three or three two people. Yunxiao came to see the door from time to see the door, and there was no one to appear, and the range of the people who can see in the door did not appear, and suddenly was more unhappy. .

People are going, there is only the clouds.

"I really don't see it? Do you want to be so high?" Yunxiao is very uncomfortable, the emperor of his big country, waiting for a long time, even some people have not seen it.

"Yun three emperor? How are you here?" Yu Chengwei came from, and his face was smiling.

Yunxiao is playing people, I know, "Who are you?"

Yu Chengguang laughed: "It seems that the three emperors don't know, and the Mrs. Mo's old man is parental, and there is some relatives with the dragon. In the next surname of Yu, famous, famous."

I heard the identity of the other party, I was very serious, and I took a touch of contest, and the face was suddenly gentle.

"It turned out to be Yu Jiagong, fortunately, I will be lucky." Yunxiao nodded.

Yu Chengguang looked at the door of the yard, and then he looked at him. "The three emperors want to go in?"

Yunxiao quickly coughed. "This emperor is just arrived here. I wanted to visit the next style. I didn't expect to set the array of law outside. It seems that the wind son does not want to be disturbed! Just, the emperor is also ready to leave. Yu Gongzi, then he will leave. "

He talks, Yu Chengwei will not know, he is already in these half days? But there is no broken.

Then shouted him: "Three emperors, please stay."


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