Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "So, both are related to the Chinese land, it is very likely that the same person is likely to be the same." Moonlight.

The moon is nod, "Now the most important thing is that I will find the rest of the stars and shredded blocks as soon as possible, I can't let them go first."

If it is placed, I know that the people are easy to find a star stone. She is not worried, even if the star stone falls in their hands, or falling in a dream or Ouyang ink, she also has a grasp. Finally grab it back.

But now it is different, and now the opponent is likely to be from the mainland of the gods ...

"No matter who the other party is, I will try my best to figure out his identity."

Yun Hao immediately said: "About Xuan Yu Tang, I will let the hint have a good investigation."

I nod, "Okay."

In this time, I ran over and took some value money, "Miss, these are found on that person, the search for prison."

The moon passed the things, see, did not find other more valuable things, "The man didn't use it, handled it!"

"Yes." Prison immediately opened.

White impermanence raised his hand and waved, and a dark light shouted his body, still in a coma, even a sentence did not die.

The other party did not even died in the soul of the soul, and the soul of the soul will follow.

"Right, will the block there will be taken by Xuan Yu Tang first step?" Moonlight thought that the piece of the dragon eagle was still there.

Monthly Northern Month: "No, they are cooperative relationships, today, Xuan Yu Tang will only be a strong person. It is not the matter of this matter. Just Dragon Eagle himself mistaken. Now, I will see the Zongmen than the trial. Since they want to let the Dragon Strings are like the Lord, let them be happy. "

Several people suddenly want to see, the scene happened to happen, it should be very exciting, and the result of the Dragon Eagle did not expect.

The moon left them, and Lu Yan is left, and people who don't know in the dragon's family. Many people still think that when they can use the meal, the Moon is left or the Hall of the Temple is mainly pulled.


"Hey? This is all gates, why don't you see the wind?" Someone is sitting in the position, and from time to time, you can just see someone.

Not just him, there is still other people, it seems that there is a bit unspeakable.

"Yes, it is hard to set up a table in the yard."

Yunxiao laughed: "How is this possible?"

"Why didn't you come to him?" The other side couldn't help but feel puzzled.

In the face of their questions, Longtian proudly looked at them, and the heart was clear. These people want to leave the relationship with the moon.

The face is still calm look: "Sorry, before a time, the wind is a dusty son, but not only that, the Hall of the Temple is also left with other several."

When you come out, everyone is surprised, "What? Go?"

Some people can't help but believe, immediately asked: "How is this possible? We have been outside, and I have never seen the mans of the house.

"Yes! How did you go so sudden?"

Some people even doubt, is that months are deliberately do not want to see them, they are deliberately avoiding them.

Several night winds can not help but have some accidents, but they are not as big as others, but they have some regrets at night. I originally think that I can say thank you with each other.


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