Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This laugh is also obviously ridicule, the man laughs looks at Yun Yu, and the eyes are also a lot of intentions, they can't help but say: "Question? Of course."

After the other party suddenly took the finger, he refered his own chest. The word before, "see it clearly? Watershed."

Bai impermine, this person is so arrogant, and there is a kind of impulse that wants to beat people, dare to stop being stopped by the month, indicating that don't talk.

The other party immediately looked up to the end: "The Ben is the basin Zong Yulong Dragon, Yu Xiaolong."

"... haha."

It's not a smile of moon white and white impermanence, it is to laugh in the marty, it is really that this guy speaks too much. They also thought that there were more domineering.

The moon is slightly raised slightly, and there is no exaggeration that is so exaggerated next to it.

directly spits out the word, "Stupid."

Yun Yu nodded directly: "Well."

There are a few days of listening to the face of the basin, it is ugly in the small dragon noodles: "What do you mean? Do you dare to joke this son?"

"You dare to marry the son, don't you want to live?"

"What do you want?" Yun Wei faintly said.

Yu Xiaolong took advantage of the face and cold. Genius? Oh, this son is also a holy level, see when we are! "

He also looked at several ribilities behind him: "Just, there is a mountain, the bottom of the well will think that the holy level is the most powerful."

"Oh, that is, the holy, in our watershed, but let you see the knowledge, what is the real genius!"

Yu Xiaolong immediately said: "A few people telling dust, even if my jade, the dragon wants him, let him be prepared, don't lose it too ugly. Hahaha!"

Suddenly, a few behind him also followed the laughter, looked at Yun Yu smile and unscrupulous.

Of course, after they laugh for a while, I found that the opposite all of them took the opponents, and the surrounding air was quiet.

"Ha ... ha ..." Ha ...

Laughing and smiling, no sound ...

How can this make a particularly embarrassment?

Yu Xiaolong looked at the opposite side did not respond, and did not express anger, did not say anything, standing with himself, and then felt that his behavior was somewhat excited ...

Suddenly, there is a very angry: "You talk! Why don't you talk?"

Yue Yanyan immediately turned a white eye, cold moderate way: "What? What is it to say to the fool?"

"You! Are you?" Yu Xiaolong suddenly angry.

Yun Wei's cold and light falls on his face, and the tone is light: "Finish?"

Yu Xiaolong can't help but have a glimpse, what does the other party mean?

Just when they still don't understand, Yun Hao immediately raised his hand to each of them ...

! !

A strong force. The five people will fly with the fastest speed, fly ...

"Ah !!! You ..." Yu Xiaolong's words have not been finished, it has already been parabolized, disappearing in the sky.

The sky is five lines, soon disappeared.

Next to several meteorns were surprised, I looked at Yun Wei, I couldn't help but swallow the water.

Moon Ink White is laughing: "Are you not good? So far, they come back?"

"The tongue is mixed." Yun said.

Moon White can't help but shrug your shoulders, nothing to say, for him, he can take it for those people so long.


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