Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Swit looks to Ye Liangchen, the sorrows of the eye, the "bad? The old age is only based on the system, this is the case, is it wrong?"

Ye Liangchen's disciple, immediately pulled his clothes, "It's a brother, we dare to go, but go first?"

Swit also opened: "Goodness, I know that you are so good to let them go in, this thing doesn't matter if it doesn't matter? Since you want to go out, hurry!"

Ye Liangchen looked at him and looked at the moon next to him, can't help but sickly think: "I am sorry, I can't help a few people."

Yue Yanyan immediately laughed: "Ye Liangchen is right? Nothing is nothing, this is nothing to do with you."

The other party listened to it, and I was so embarrassed. I immediately greeted them: "Then I will leave it first." I once again rumored: "Wushu is old, goodness first."

The blaction looked down, "Go!"

Ye Liangchen went to the end of Yun Yun, why would he think this person is a bit familiar?

Just after they left, Wu Pigu said: "Several or go back first!"

The month will look at Yun Yu, "It seems that it is not as good as we go first in the bar of the mountain."

Yun Hao is eye-catching, nodding the moon: "Okay."

The witch mouth hooks slightly, there is a little bit of look, just not very obvious.

At this time, the back came again, and the footsteps were still not, the witch looked at the coming, and the eyes suddenly showed a smile, and the serious face was also alleviated at this time.

Looking at the scenery of the witch, the monthly ink white is suddenly despised.

The month can not help but look at the people, there are eight people, including men with men, and who did not worry about which one of the disciples, a man, a man, a man.

The male face has a smile, see the steps under the foot of the witch, and the speed is not accelerated.

The woman's five senses is a pure and beautiful woman. However, there is no smile on his face, just seeing the month, just glanced, but. This, the line of sight has fallen on the front Yun Yu, and the eyes are worthy of the merits.

"Huai, you can be here." Wu Lee covered his smile.

Qin Huai quickly stepped forward, a respectable gift, "Qinhuai, I saw the table."

The smile on the slogan is deepened, and I nodded: "Well, it is good."

"Anggong, this is our disciple, this time we have experienced outside, there is no match of the door, now we have arrived first, this is the daughter of our thousands of miles, name Calling the snow ... "Qinhuai said that this card is turned, turned to see the woman.

Female brow, slightly, calling: "Allure."

Qin Huai immediately smiled: "Yes, allure, snow city."

Soviet went to see the eyes of the city, they can't help but say: "Are you a daughter of a thousand miles?"

Snow thousands of daughters don't seem to be called snow? What is the snow?

Xuecheng seems to have seen the other party's meaning, "" Seniors, the younger generation is just a name, is it more suitable, this name is more suitable for the youth? "

Listening to the other party, slowly confidently, there is a shameful color on the face.

It is the disciple of several flow stars behind him, and I also got the other party, and my eyes are self-evident.

The snow cities did not think of it, but only came to the moon and white and white impermanent expression, follow-up each other wear a mask, but the smile in the eyebrow is also very obvious.

"What is your laugh?


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