After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2330 knows what is the search for death?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "You dare to say that you are telling the truth? Since we don't meet each other, why do you want to shoot you? Are you still leaking? Did you look at him? The meaning.

Swit listed, and then found it wrong, it seems that there is still what this is, but now is not this.

"Tianlei, do not allow Huhu!"

Qi Tianlei has automatically denyed the monthly release, "Wugong is old, the disciples have no Hu Jun."

"Although I don't know why you have to attack us, now, since you want to challenge our stars, we should make it! Also let you recognize, our flowers are not good!"

"To! We will never lose!" Several disciples immediately represented.

When the Wuxi suddenly felt headache, "You, you are just ..."

"Well! Then it will be said, whoever refresses is the eight eggs." The month said that the palm is not aware of the stone, this will be in hand. Play.

Qi Tianlei smiled coldly: "Reverse regrets? I am afraid that you will repent! We should undergo your challenge, but there is a condition must be said."

The month can not help but brush: "What conditions? Let me listen."

Qi Tian Lei said: "I know that you have a dusty, it is already a holy, since you challenge our stars, I don't want to come to the dust, the challenger is, it must be Who is playing! "

"Yes! Yes! It is me to challenge you, so I am playing." The month is very refreshing.

Qi Tianlei suddenly laughed with other disciples, Qi Tianlei couldn't help but have some proud: "This is what you said? Don't regret."

"Never repent, repent is a thunder." The moon has no smile and looks opposite.

The scene of Wuxi should be worn on the spot, just open, the snow city is also immediately: "You just challenge the thousands of miles, this lady should be!"

"Teacher! Don't make trouble!" Qin Huai suddenly shouted.

The moon has a smile: "It is difficult to chase with the horse. Refreshing is waiting for being thundered."

When she finished her words, the sky had a lightning tumbling in the sky, as well as lightning.

Rumbler ...

Qinhuai suddenly stunned with several other disciples, this is not.

Those disciples of thousands of miles, and the disciples of the flowers of the flowers also have the guards of the guard, and they are not very beautiful.

The Qing Xiuyin's eyes, suddenly faded: "It is really a timely manifestation."

"It seems that there is a good show." Yun Yuzhen looked at the moon, and smiled in the moon.

Wu Yan pointed to Qi Tianlei's almost gone, "You, you ... do you know what is your own way?"

"Older words are serious, of course, the disciples know, for example, this spiritual disciple is now the same." One of the disciples suddenly smiled and said.

The moon ink is visual: "idiot."

"You are actually swearing?" The other party immediately finished his face, directly pointed to the Moon Ink.

Moonlight white shallow laugh: "The truth is true."

"Okay, since it's like this, I remember it, and the regrets will be killed by Tianlei!" The month will once again emphasize all over.

Qi Tianlei said: "This is nature."

The snow cities are not bothered: "Hey, there should be so nonsense."

Wu Yan immediately dismissed Qi Tian Lei: "Do you know who she is?"

"Who?" Qi Tianlei couldn't help but show the moon. Can cultivate, not come out to die. "

Other disciples are also so thought, watching the moon and laughing.

Li Jiubei smiled: "I have never seen it, the waste material is so arrogant! Haha!"


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