After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2439, the man who is scattered, is a real man.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At this time, I suddenly evmitted the people of the surroundings, and I started talking.

"Yes! This is true. This is the first is not a meteorite."

"Yeah! Yes! Unbelievable, I don't know if it is a message that the flow of the flowers deliberately passed, and I want to cause anything to panic."

"I think it is also, Warcraft is robbery, how is it so easy? Is it a lot? It is impossible, it is impossible. This kind of thing is still good!"

"I think this matter, etc., you can ask for a generner of the next star, see what he said."

Suddenly came out later, "thousands of miles to."

If you have a good thing, I have heard it, "the thousands of miles came? Yes, it is not I heard that the Snow Miss of the thousand miles yesterday is killed? I heard that she wants to grab the dust. "

The others listened, I couldn't help but laughed: "Yes, there is this, I don't have to challenge the month, one person picks people a paradise?"

"Haha! There is a good show, I don't know if the snow will come back to face for his daughter tonight."

Everyone smiled, and it seems to look forward to it.

Some of them are more excellent disciples in their own, and each mood is different. Some can't help but feel unconfil.

"I really don't know, is there anything in the dust? Isn't it a bit? Talent is a little? Talent We are not?"

"Just, I don't know, what women like him at night? The length of the skin is so beautiful, it is too superficial, put us so truly a man who has temperament."

The man said this sentence, finished, there is still a folding fan in his hand, and open it.

I have a very handsome fan, and my face has also revealed a confident smile.

This laugh, people around you, this look at the moment of petrochemical, and everyone's mouth is taking.

This person is full of face, a face of oil, that is, our commonly known acne, clothes wearing skew, said that it is a clothing, the fan is inciting, a blame is scattered from him, just being left next to him. The far thing smells, and the stomach suddenly disgs.

And look at him smile, but also stick to the vegetable leaves on the front teeth.

Some people can't help but pull the lips and said: "Sure enough, it is a focus on the connotation, not paying attention to external ..."

"What is it, actually a man, or a man who is scattered is a real man. I see those women too face, don't understand appreciation, in fact, you think, Snow Miss is still very good." This man Open again.

Surrounded around, there is no appetite, look at the clothes on his body, and suddenly an accident, "Watershed?"

Some people immediately thought of a person in the basin, and the eyes showed a surprise color. "You should not be a river domain, Yu Xiaolong's brother, color?"

Yan Dynasty and heard himself, and the smile on his face was more deep, and then nodded: "It is under."

There are a few ribor people next to them, and they quickly bowed, silently opened their distance from him.

Others also reveal a touch and not polite smile, then bowed no longer talk.

At this time, the primary of the thousands of miles cedar, with several elders and several disciples, including the snow city.

Tonight's snow is just a simple dress, not how to dress yourself, and he is a brother Qinhuai with him.

The flow of the flowers, one of the roads: "Xuezong owner, a few long lives, please, the position of the sectors, sitting with the young people, please come down."


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