After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2442, the stinky boy, doing things that wear some death

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Oriental Mon did not expect that the other party will suddenly ask such a question, just a few of the fairymen next to him, can't help but look.

After a moment, I wish you a moment, oriental strange is still told: "It is." Donned to reply: "But I am just a meon, not my own."

"Yes? Can be in the eyes of the outside, Yi Mon is like your righteousness, but it is better than being born." Yun Yu said to see the other side, the mouth is faintly evacuated.

When the Eastern Mono-eyed is suddenly squatted, the other party seems to have something wrong?

The people around them are also nodded. "It seems to be true, I have been self-discovery, I have never thought of there is also a kindness. I also saw it today."

"Who is clear? Maybe people only see if there is such a father and son?"

Some people suddenly showed: "I feel that it will not, the brothers and sisters are the children who secretly sneak their students? Nowadays only grow up. Just bring back to Zongmen to cultivate?"

This, let the Eastern Mono have heard it, and the face is slightly changed again, and it is busy and unnatural. "The dust is really laughing, and the strange is just from the small place. Maybe, Mind is just watching our brothers and sisters. "

Moon, white and dragon flying night, I also made a lively. The month white is slightly smiled: "Yi Gongzi is it? That, can you ask, how do you get to know? Where? Talk, let me know Also went to that, maybe you can meet a Zongmen's Zongwen? "

Longfei night immediately received the call, tone: "Yes! We are both orphans, from small, the father love, if you can make a good luck like Yi Mon, I have to smile."

Eastern strange faces are temporary, and the two people have a midst of the other people! But it is ready to talk, someone is first stepped first.

"Are you missing? Are you sure?"

At this time, a man came over, this person is not someone else, is the leader of Longjiazong, Longfei Night.

Longfei night ridiculed the East Monozheng! I didn't pay attention, when he came in, how did it come over?

This makes Longfei night somewhat embarrassing, "You ... Hello, Uncle ... Ha, haha ​​..."


Long Tian proudly looked with another child, he was cared about him, knowing that he has been born, I can't help but think about it, what is it?

Moon Moon is coming, greeted by people, respectful routine: "Dragon Father? You are coming."

The moon is faintly floating, and the same as Yunyi is the same as the people: "I have seen the Dragon Father."

"You don't have to have a lot." Long Tian proudly looked up.

His appearance, also let the people around you curious, some people are very curious, "Who is this person? His surname dragon? Even the dust is so polite to him?"

"Just like it is from the people of the dragon?"

Oriental stranger is very polite and got up. For its rituals: "The old man is easy to see the dragon master, and the foreigner has arrived in the Dragon family to participate in the dragon and lost, I don't know if the dragon is still remember?"

Long Tian said to see each other, then he took place, "Well, remember, thank you master to participate in the funeral of the dog, the stinky kid did not have some death, but after death, you can have these friends. It is also his blessing. "

Dragon's night mouth is tongged, he did a lot of death in his life? its not right! He is not dead at all!


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