After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2444 How can I like this disgusting water?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Long Tian said again to turn it again, but it is not a shuttle, but goes out of the outside.

See this, Longfei night is very doubtful, where is his old man going?

The month will open: "I just see what people are coming out, or what is going on ..."

Yun Hao is calm, pouring tea in the cup, at the same time: "If it is a big event, he will only call the Long of Long."

Those other paramenters are curious, the disciples of the thousands of miles, doubts: "This is going to start, how did the dragon master have left?"

Xuecheng immediately marched: "It does not mean to start now, then say, do you have to do with you? Shut up."

The other party hurriedly wanted to admit the wrong. "Yes."

That looks, smiles: "Snow Miss is so minded next door? The woman can not be angry, otherwise it will be old very fast." Tony, taking out a fan, very thought to have a wind flow A few times.

Once again, a strange flavor was drifted again, and people had to think about him.

"Hey ... so stink! This taste is too disgusting!"

"Just! Who is this? Is there anyone taking the shoes? What is this heavy?"

The moon can not help but eyebrows. When I look at my eyes, I saw Yan Jin's clothes, but I thought handsome was with the show.

Turning again, faint: "The basin is really geeks."

Yun Wei immediately said: "This person is called straight, and the character is free and weird, but its talent is good in the general disciple, and the 27-year-old is already a five-layer repair."

I heard Yun Yu's introduction, the moon is in a little accident, "It seems that it is true."

The snow of the snow is straight, and the tone is not good: "How do this lady doing with you? Multi-tube idle. Also, the taste of your body is very disgusting! Don't take the fan fan, otherwise don't blame me! "

Yan Jinyi, I immediately asked: "Don't I think this is a man's breath? It's hard, Snow Miss likes the taste of rouge powder?"

The snow is too lazy to talk to him, just cold and look at the eye.

See this, Yan Dynasty again: "If you like this smell, I can also."

When he finished, he saw him in his hand, and there were a few bottles of pots in the table in front of him, and immediately opened it.

"Miss Snow likes? I have this." He said to wipe it with himself, sniff with his nose, did not understand: "In fact, these still don't have a good news, how can I like this? What is nausea of ​​water? "

Amazing: ".........."

Snow City forehead green and jumped, for the Qinhuai to save: "Brother, I can't stand it ..."

Qin Huai couldn't help but smile, shook it and got up: "You change your position with me!"

This idea is good, the snow city immediately got up and changed him.

Seeing Xuecheng, I changed to Qinhuai. Yan Jin gave a lot of eyes, I couldn't help but show a smile: "You are Qinhuai, you are. Fortunately, I will be lucky, if I am in the future, I will look up with Snow, I hope you. Multiple care. "


Moon Ink White Point Put out the tea in the mouth, hard to stand, smiled in the night of Longfei: "Where is this guy who comes out? Face can be more than Yunxiao."

"Sanctuary to, Meteor Zone to." The outside came again, and this sound was loud of it than before.

Also let everyone everyone heard everyone, then look at the door.


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