After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2447 My Miss is talking to you, how can you ignore this?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The disciple of the thousand miles, can not help but feel depressed, busy: "No, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter, what are you excited?" The snow is ridiculous, "Don't give you your own points, don't give you a loss, think more about tomorrow, in addition to the challenge of the month, this is important!" "

"Yes, the big lady teach." The disciple immediately bowed, and he had mistaken.

Qinhuai advised: "Well, the teacher. Today is the meteor feast, there is no need to be so serious."

"But ..." Xuecheng wants to say what a snack blocked her mouth.

But Qinhuai also said: "Don't look, come to taste this, this point is OK."

The clouds that have been staring at the clouds, not frustrated, obviously unhappy.

Some people have also found some unsatisfactory, "You have to think that the sacred girl seems to have been seeing? Who is it?

"It seems that it is hard to understand?"

East strange side glance, can't help but feel strange, why is the other party to see this?

Jun Yinfan saw that Liu Chengjun has been standing, opening: "Teacher? What happened?"

"I ..." Liu Chengjun sounded, and then walked to Yun Yu.

Longfei night eyes to the moon ink white: What are she going?

The month is white and white, and I went back to my eyes: I don't know, I will be quiet.

Her sudden movement, even those of the opposite districts also noticed, and it was a variety of curiosity for a while.

Lin Chang lives, can't help but blame the next eyebrows, and the epic can not help but confuse: "Is this?"

"Maybe do you, say hello!" Lin Chang Lao took the way.

Lu Yan saw the position of her stopped, it was even in front of Yunyi, and it was full of accidents.

The eyes of Yi cold days are faint, watching the opposite, it is calm.

"You are dusty?" Liu Chengjun stood in front of them and asked him.

The sound is gently soft, so some men around can not help but streak them.

I can't help but stand up: "This speech can be really gentle ..."

However, even if so, Yun Yun has never taken care of the other party, and even there is no one.

Instead, the movement is softly clamped with a dessert, fed the moon to eat, "I will never eat this, although it is not delicious than you, but you can take the pad."

The moon is bent, point it, and the mouth will take a little bit, followed: "Well, the taste can be."

I also picked up the piece, I also put a snack for Yun Wei, and at the same time: "You also taste it."

In Yun Yu, I contained a smile, directly biting the whole piece, chews a few times, and the light road: "I don't have to eat."

The intimate interaction of the two is simply a no one, let some single men and women around you suddenly envy.

However, Liu Chengjun, standing for a long time, except for embarrassing, there are some embarrasses, while glaring in the moon, it is rossed in a moment.

Moonlight white shallow laughed: "Hey! I said you two, don't you have a row you here? Good, do you think about our people who don't have partners?"

"That is! You don't know if this is very much hated?" Longfei night immediately.

Yun Yu turned his head and looked at him, the voice was light: "If you don't mind, can you feed each other?"


Some people suddenly imagined two men,. , you, I am ... I shake when I shake, I'm.

I will see such a situation in this case, and I have a little bit, and I've been talking about it. It's a dusty road: "There is a clean body, my lady talks to you, how can you ignore it? And other in front of her The woman is unclear, too too much? "

"Heart rain, not rude!" Liu Chengjun turned to her.


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