After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2450 Clean is a fianger of the sanctuary?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "God! I didn't haven't heard it wrong."

"This means that the dust is the fiance of the sanctuary?"

The snow city can not help but eyebrows. "How can the woman in the dust-free heel region will have marriage?" Toned, and then he saw the moon. "If so, what is the month?"

Thinking of this, her face suddenly had some slightly colors, just in Qinhuai thought that he was still angry with the yesterday thing of the month.

Xuecheng suddenly angry: "I didn't expect, it was such a person. Since there is a unmarried wife, I have to hook up, it is too much!"

Qin Huai suddenly became a bit wrong, she didn't expect that she would think about the month?

At this moment, Liu Chengjun looked at the Yun Yun's eyes, it was obviously a meaning of grievances.

However, the other party has never seen her, and after paying the heart, the cold cold is more favorable.

Moon Moon White and Dragon Fei Night have put into the glass, while the serious face is going to pay for rain.

Just after Lin Chang, he heard the words of paying for the rain, he was revealing the color of the cold, looked at the month, faint: "Do not self-strength."

The epic saw him, and smiled in his smile, but that a smirk was ironic.

Lu Yan is surprised by the three elders. The three elders are busy: "What is going on?"

"Don't know! Who do you know?" The four elders can't help but confuse.

Suddenly looked at Lu Yan, this, even Lu Yan is a puzzled look. When the brain suddenly remembered, they said when they were looking for them.

I looked at Yuliu Jun, I realized what I mean.

Can't help but come from the language: "Is it difficult to come true?"

"Zone, what? Is there a marriage with dusty in the sanctuary?" The second elders did not understand.

Lu Yan nodded, "but it is not clear, continue to see."

Let them be shocked, what? If there is this, what should I do if I am going?

Yi Han Tian can't help but accidentally, it is so small that he is so small that he is so small: "Zone, what do we have not heard? If this is true, it is not good for us!"

Hu Li is also busy with a favorite: "Yes! Zone, if they join together, Xianzong is only bitter."

"No, it's not so simple." Yi Han Tian faintly loudly.

"Why?" Tryed away from Xin.

Easy cold, the corner of the mouth, the cold smile, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""


Two, what else?

In this regard, Yi Wan did not continue to say, but the choice of closing, continued to look at the opposite situation.

The long-lasting old, the old, the old, the old, the old, the old eyes, and they have doubtful, and the two faint approximately have heard a little bit.

"Do you be curious?" The sound of the moon sounded, faint, calm, and there was no impact.

This makes a man stopped talking, and he looked at her.

When the moon, the moon was smirked, and then he looked at the rain. "You just said ... I like women? Also, I am hit you?"

Paying for Yu Yu immediately responded: "Isn't it? Do you not know that dust-free brands and Miss Our Miss. The sanctuary of the sanctuary has already set a marriage for 14 years ago? And your master is The sanctuary, descended with our big mark! You don't know if you are a close disciple, will you know? "


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