After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2452 you ... you dare to kill me

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Chengjun is a meal, not very clear, the purpose of the other party, then replied: "Yes, my heart is my maid, but I have been waiting for her as a child, if she speaks tonight, there is a matter of nothing, if there is What is the place where the girl is, please also bear. "

The moon is slightly evoked, and I asked: "Is it notgent? Can ... I think she is owe!"

"You!" Fu Xinyu listened to this sentence, suddenly the face changed.

Just talking, I have to pinch my neck from one hand, I can't move.

Liu Chengjun is changing with Junfan instantly, the other party is so fast!

Liu Chengjun's face sinks a bit, and immediately said: "L.Meen, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Less for you!" The month is evacuated.

Jun Yinfan immediately said: "I will warn you first, if you dare to move the sanctuary, it is not your own thing! It's a matter of Lingzong and the sanctuary!"

Lin Chang Lao also rushed over, and he wanted: "Let's go! Do you dare to do your people in the sanctuary? Isn't it afraid to be tired of your spirits?"

Lu Yan no longer sitting, and then got up, and the other three elders were tight.

Paying for the heart, I was scared, but I saw Lin Chang Lao also came, heard the words of the words, the eyes became a proud, and the corner of his mouth was still showing a laugh. meaning.

Yun Yuzhen flew up with the moon and white dragonfly, and the atmosphere was nervous.

People around Zongmen have also sled the moon, but also think she is impulsive, and some people laugh at her self-righteousness.

The basin religion has always made himself as much as possible to do the invisible person's jade fox. At this time, smile, can't help but say: "It's really selfless!"

It is easy to look at the feeling, self-drinking, completely watching.

The snow is a little nervous, from her unconsciously tiered their sleeves, and the nervous eyes can be seen.

"Some somewhere is over."

"Hey! Snow Miss, you still don't talk, otherwise ..." Yan did not know where to forth, his face is slightly swollen.

"Shut up, don't talk!" Xuecheng glanced at him very impatiently.

The heart of the cold looked at the old forest, and then he looked at the Lu Yan that has already entered, a cool voice, and asked faintly: "Zone, if I do it, Lingzong is terrible area?"

No one thought that the month suddenly took this sentence, but this sentence is still asking Lu Yan, this is listening to other paramenities, there are two words 'arrogant'!

Several teachers in the south area think of it, but the month will not just let go, but as asked Lu Yan.

"When I am afraid of other forces? Who is bullying, we will come back." Lu Yan is faint, but the tone is quite firm, and the words are paid to Lin Chang.

The other party is obvious, it is the people around you can't help but accident.

Easy to pick up the eyebrows, hook the lips: "In a period of time, Lu Yan's temper is hard."

I am sneer from Xin: "What is the use of temper? Isn't it necessary to have a sanctuary? The next thing is suffering."

"Not necessarily." Yi Hua Tian immediately returned two words.

Lin Chang, the old thing is anger, and immediately said: "Ling Zongzong, do you know, what do you say?"

"Of course." Lu Yan is very natural.

The month, the answer to Lu Yan is quite satisfactory, and the hand of the child who is in the rain is suddenly added.

When I paid the rain, I suddenly went big, I'm trying to spend: "Live, stop! You ... Do you dare to kill me?"

"Kill you? No, I said that you just owe!" The moon looked back, then, in a surprised look at the Liu Chengjun.

Another hand, raising your hand is left and right, just a few breathing, there are more than a dozen slaps on her face.


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