After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2456 Are you threatening the sanctuary?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "I ..." Liu Chengjun is a little timid to look at the moon.

I can't say it at this moment. I saw that Liu Chengjun seems to be scared. I want to help her, I can't open my mouth, I want to come forward, but it is also some fear of the month.

Lin Chang was calm and said: "Since ancient times, the mind is the words of the mother of the parents, the dust is the orphan, the Yunyang real is his master, and the teacher is a father. Since it is a marriage contract that Yunyang real people So dust-free acceptance is also known, why do you like anyone? Just ridiculous! "

"My master is sinking? He is set, he is a time. What is it with me? In addition, how do you know that I am an orphan?" Yun said.

When Liu Cheng Jun suddenly stunned, the eyes were hurt, "dusty ... How can you humiliate with me?"

Everyone was scared by his words, and the Longfei night's mouth was twisted, and smiled: "Let the old ancestors marry her?" Only has a dust. "

"Don't laugh, give people a face." Moon white is very convinced by people.

The moon has passed a smile in the moon, and Yun Yun is really caught the opportunity to retaliate her Master ...

Lu Yan relied with three elders.

Looking at Lin Chang, I have to worry, and then I have a good tone: "Okay, I have been delayed for so much time, and I should have stopped it. Tonight is the history of the sternan banquet, not only you me."

"It can't be considered this!" Lin Chang is not angry, from the head to the end, they are suffering from the sanctuary, being joke, the injury is them, the other party is not?

Still talking about this now? She said that the end is over?

"What do you want to think?" The month will take a trace with his mouth, and immediately said: "Let the dust abandon me? Then accept her? Dream."

The other party can't help but see this, and once again, the heart is flat, and the heart is old, and when the moon is right. Now not to solve this, you go back to sit down! What's the matter, etc. Tonight the banquet later. "

She said like this, Lin Chang lives can only endure this, cold and see the moon, "This matter is not finished, you are temporarily proud. But you are unlikely!"

Yun Yuyi's cold voice, even if he returned to each other, "If you don't want to do things, don't be self-righteous."

Lin Chang lived to see each other, "Are you threatening the sanctuary?"

Yun Wei looked at each other and did not answer, but it was already not available.

When the other party suddenly wanted to laugh, "How do you know how much this?"

Jun Yinfan cold mocking: "I don't know the so-called."

"Yes? Isn't it as good as we try? As long as the sanctuary is no longer in the marriage, there will be no. But if you don't listen to the advice ... then I am sorry." The month is voiced.

Her words listened to the outside, completely talking about the big call, many Zongmen, and some elders are light smile.

Some other paradise disciples directly laughed: "Who is it from the month? If Yunyang live people are her Master?"

"Hahaha! I have never seen such a woman who is not a high-level highland, hehe ... It's a pity that is a good talent, but is a woman who has no brain?"

Lin Chang, heroes, Yin Fanrton, showed a smile, obviously with the color of ridicule, even if you can't stop the mouth, you wanted to laugh.

"Do you know what you have just said?" Jun Yinfan asked.


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