After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2458, don't play

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Lin Chang is probably the trimming of the fast peak of the holy stage? Is it not a genius in genius?"

The face of Yi cold days is dignified. "This person is still afraid it is far more than the holy season ..."

"What? Zong Lord, how much is he? How is this possible!" I can't believe it all over 3/4.

Hu Li does not help but say: "The main owner, will he have been alive for more than a hundred years?"

"Perhaps not only." Yi Hantian is checked and sure, the line of sight is in the moon, soon removing it, it is very dignified, if the temple helps her ... I am afraid it is a bit difficult.

On the exquisite face of Liu Chengjun, the expression is so cold, look at the moon, and the temperament is asked: "How to do you, how do you want to do you? Why do I want to hurt the sanctuary? If you have a sanctuary What is dissatisfaction, you can rush me, please hurt innocent. "

Some people can't help but be ignorant of Liu Cheng Jun, "Something is sone from the month, I have some distressed her."

"That look, it feels that it is a bigger in the heart of the saint."

But some people think that this person is still snowing, at this moment, I don't think it is said: "Why didn't I think it is too much? People have been talking about it. It is clear that the sanctuary has been forcing her? "

Qin Huai once again not understand the snow city, how can she spend the month today?

The moon is lightly illuminated, and the eyes look into the snow city, and she also transforms some accidents to the attitude of the snow.

Once again, I will look at Liu Chengjun and smile: "I have been passively accepting the provocation of your holy area, and I have always been a person in your sanctuary. You still have to ask me how to do? If it is the temple The public, as long as the ear is not a problem, I can hear it, from the beginning to now, aren't I pick it? "

"In turn, in your holy area, in addition, don't have a holiday, you will take responsibility to yourself. I have an active for you? From the beginning you say it is your fault? Just joke!"

"You don't think too important you think, don't take yourself seriously, maybe you are a treasure in the sanctuary, but you are not as good as I am in the end of the month. Since your god is not, I am targeting What to do? Do you have anything to eat? "

Liu Chengjun is very embarrassed, and the eyes look at the moon, she didn't expect that the other party was so straightforward.

"You ... how can you ..." The face is the color of your face.

The moon smiled coldly, and immediately said: "Okay, don't play."

When Li Cheng Jun suddenly, he looked at her.

"I still have a sentence, don't provoke me again. If you haven't reminded the slap in your elder, don't say that I didn't say it in advance, this is the last warning!" The month said, I have never seen it. A glimpse of Liu Chengjun.

"Can we take it back?" The month is turned to Yun Wei.

Yun Wei is very relatives, and the tip of her nose is, and the road is laughing: "Okay."

The two did not have a concern of others, and the two were sitting down and started to feed each other, and they got out of the dog.

Moon White and Dragonfly night did not delay the time, turned back to the position, even if it is ignored, it is sitting in the position of them, three people squeeze together.

Lu Ying saw that the corner of this mouth is just a harder, and the mind is thinking early, and go back to find his family.

Turn around also returned to the position.

For a time, there were only four four people in the Shengya, and Lin Chang was poorly refined to the moon, but was stopped by Jun Yinfan.

"Lin is old, not impulsive." Jun Yinfan also hinted the white impermanence.


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