After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2460 is just right, fortunately catch up.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Paying to Yu Yu is also very distressed to Liu Chengjun. Seeing the people to top the table, immediately give her cloth, "Sister, Seven." (Miss, Eating.)

Liu Chengjun looked up at her, nodded: "Okay, heart, thank you. I wronged you tonight, if it is not because of me ..."

I heard this sentence, I am moving when I pay for Yu Yu, and I am busy shaking her head, "No, no."


A heavy footsteps, from the door outside the door, everyone can't help but feel weird.

"What happened? Where is it?"

When the moon is suddenly chapted, he looks at the gate of the hall, "she is coming."

Yun Yun did not look, but his face floated a smile, "How do you know her?"

"In the meteorizes, in addition to her, who is still a strong and powerful?" The moon said, couldn't help but happiness.

Really, through these few times, the young Kikai has appeared every time, it is so big, how can people think of her?

Epic is far away, seeing a woman who is burly, body type, such as a cheerful rabbit, and a pair of jumping towards the temple.

I can't help it, this gimmick, I know that I am moving and quiet, and I am jumping like this ...

"Wow! It's just right, fortunately, I'm catching up with a small star, shiny, hurriedly swept the desktop of those people, and the food is full of food, there is no longer slide out of the crystal clear liquid. .

" ?"

Someone suddenly slammed, watching the woman in front of his eyes, his eyes smoked.

Tonth, tonight, dressed in a bright red dress, with a red flower with a straw hat and a red flower, a black hair, but because of just running, There have been a few messages, which seems to be loose.

The face is exaggerated, a pair of eyebrows is thick and black, complete crayon is very sensitive, the white powder on the face is uneven, the dark is different, the two blotles are too heavy, the mouth is still not feeling more Exaggerated, but a mouth is like a large bleeding.

Laughing, the sound seems to pinch the scorpion, let people listen to yin and yang strange, and I feel the creepy.

When the flow of the meteor will see such a Qi Kaiki, all the people have a big question on the brain. What happened tonight?

The moon is also dressed up to thunderstorm, and then sighed: "I didn't expect that her makeup technology is so super."

Yun Wei bowed his head in her earlie, "she is a destruction, you are easy."

The moon is , but laugh, just eat something, look at Yizhu.

At this moment, the focus is on her one person. The Xiakuni smiled and smiled. "Hello, the little woman is a Xiao Kiu. Sorry, let you wait."


When she finished her words, she had heard the sound of the water in the temple. It seems that someone just drinks.

Epic's eyes have been smoked again, try to keep calm and ask: "Sunflower, how come you?"

Suddenly, Xia Xiai smiled and said: "Today's meteor feast please, the cousin is naturally coming."

Some men's face reveal the color of horror, and even the body is shrinking backwards.

When Liu Chengjun saw that Yu Xiaowi appeared, he couldn't help but show it. However, Liu Chengjun quickly returned to normal look.

And Yu Yu quickly grabbed Liu Chengjun's sleeves: "Sweep a few, sweep a few. Let her!"

"I know, you are just behind you."

Liu Chengjun is calm, and it will continue to eat after reading it.

Jun Yinfan asked: "She is the woman you encountered in the morning?"

"Well! Taiwan!" Fu Xinyu nodded quickly.

After a circle of Lai Kai, Yan Xiaonai will choose to come here.


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