Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Qi Tianlei is the most known. At this moment, I don't dare to talk at the moment, and I will die for a while. Liu Fang is not silent.

The epic saw no one answered, and it was going to work on the spot.

I was busy with the food with the food, and finally took the next to my busy schedule, "I know, it is old witch!"

That's finishing, my eyes stared at Zhong Wei straight, and the food in your mouth also dropped on the desktop.

The picture is a little embarrassing for a moment, "Xiaoxi! I don't want to clean my mouth!"

"Table, cousin ... Who is he? Good ... happiness!"

"Shandian Lord, Shandian Lord, your location is here!" Epic is busy.

"Xuanwu, you passed, this seat is sitting there." Repair the dust to the moon to go away.

Bai Xuanwu quickly responded, "Yes."

Many people are curious about the young temple of the temple, what is the relationship with the month?

"Look, the young man is very familiar with the spirit of Lingzong?"

The eyes of Lai Shiwu looked at Zhong Rong did not take blink. It stared at people. This made Zhong Yu are somewhat uncomfortable. The wrist is turned, a black mask appears, and it is covered with face.

"Hey! How can I cover it?"

"Small!" Epic can't stand it, and immediately drink it.

"Come on, give a wine, in addition, give the lady and then on a table!"

The epic said to take it back to the position.

When everyone suddenly slap, "God! Also give her a table?"

"Can she be able to install?"

Some people listen to can't help but dizzy, can she eat?

At this way, he was sitting in the middle of Yun Yun.

Yun Wei is cold and eye-catching him, "squeezing!"

"Don't squeeze." dust is calm sitting hard.

The moon is pulled with mouth, "You have to squeeze a table with four people?"

"No, it is three." , talk, look at the white impermanence.

White is imperative, it will be interested in and get up.

"Three can." Repair again.

The month is left here, nor does it say any more, but Yun Yu is glanced, "the guy who is in an eye."

"Take each other each other." Repair is calm.

When Yun Hao's eyes suddenly suddenly: "Who is with you? You are different from me."

: "In my opinion, no difference."

Moonlight White is blue with dragon, whispered: "Finished, finished, these two began to raise."

"I don't understand, they even have any grievances? Every time I have to hop?" Longfei night couldn't help.

"Hate to win the wife." The dust was suddenly returned to him.

This almost didn't scare them two, and Yun Yu's face is dark and black. He immediately said: "There is no half gold coin relationship with you, where to win the wife? If you say anymore, you will not be polite. "

"The relationship between a spar." The Qing Dust replied, and his eyes took a trace of provocation, and he viewed each other.



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