After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2474 ? These two are really, really don't face

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Several listening on the roof, the expression on the face is untech.

Longfei night can't help but smile: "This is said to come out? It's a big world, what is the scorpion, talking about the love of one night, telling yourself to another man, and seek him Help you? What is this woman doing? "

In this regard, the moon is late: "This is to see that the man is also willing to be a spare tire. I know that I am a spare tire, I am willing to pay, this is called 'touching'."

"Spare tire? What do you mean?" Longfei night was curious.

Others have seen her.

The moon is ignored, and the way: "Have the opportunity to explain with you, continue to see."

At this time, I saw Jun Yinfan in the lower part hesitated for a while, maybe it's struggling!

Slim, I will say: "The teacher is safe! Clean only because it is a long time with that woman, maybe I have been separated from her, and now everything is just we say, there is no evidence, I see No dust is not as irresponsible man, since the woman can be able to attitude, it will not be poor in the future. "

"But I am worried, that is that the month will take him ... I am not easy to wait until the agreed time, I can finally come out to find him. I didn't expect, waiting for him to be with other women ... He also puts on the moon, the moon is humiliated with me, how can I accept it? "

"I ..." Liu Cheng Jun said that he can't say it directly, and the tears are.

Jun Yin Fan suddenly distressed, and then he couldn't care too much. Directly took her, while calm her back comfort.

"Don't be sad, don't cry, everything will be fine. Jun brother will help you! The people sent by the tomorrow will arrive, and everything will be different, tonight, let you let you get the moon tonight. , Will give her a full number tomorrow. "

When he said, Liu Chengjun lifted his head from her arms, and the tears were also flashing. "Really?"

"Believe me, will definitely." Jun Yinfan is the next.

Longfei night, I wanted to take a sleeve to hit it. "This is a dead dog man, but also hits this idea, and wants to be unfavorable to the little, now pack them now!"

"No, you are doing it now, they are dead now, is it dead now, isn't it let everyone think that I do it with dust? No, I should say it is me." Moon is faint Say.

Then I said: "I will kill them easily, but after killing them, I have to have a series of troubles, I can do so much time. Liu Chengjun will definitely die, but it is not necessarily the wheel to us."

The last sentence of the moon is clearly made to other fews, and Yun Wei is said: "The meaning of children, someone else wants her to die?"

Longfei night with Moon White also said: "Who?"

I looked at them a few times, and I also wanted to know the eyes.

Lightly tick a smile: "Secret."

Longfei night suddenly depressed, "How is it secret? Didn't work.

Yun Yuyi immediately exposed doubts. It didn't say that the moon left did not say, and he only guess it.

Moonlight is suddenly said: "Hey? These two are really, really don't face."

Everyone immediately looked down in the lower house. Liu Chengjun and Jun Fan were originally embarrassed, and I could kiss it. And still caught an urgent thing ...

"Jun ... Jun brother, don't ... no, no." Although Liu Chengjun said, although it is said that one hand will hit the neck of Jun Yinfan, and the other is to refuse to welcome, want to push open open However, it is not strong, and the gods are fascinating, but also because Jun Yinfan kisses the neck, and the fascination is lost, and the breathing is gradually urgent.


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