After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2476, that person, you should know

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night face suddenly showed a surprised color, and even the words: "How can I? No, how can I have that idea?"

"Don't you see, how is Liu Chengjun?"

"No." Moon left, and then opened: "Go straight."

"Well? Don't you know how to spit?" Longfei night is curious.

I have a glimpse of the moon, "Okay, let's go!"

They rein cover the roof, and several people left here.

The people in the room continue to vomit, as for why, Liu Chengjun does not know, but don't want the physician to see.

When I returned to the yard, Yun Wei took the moon to return home, Longfei night, I want to ask her about who wants to kill Liu Chengjun, but there is no time to talk.

"You said, what happened to this? What is going on so early?" Long Yu can not help but feel depressed.

Moonlight will lightly glance, touch it back: "You are not sleepy? Do you want to go back to rest?"

Longfei night shook his head: "Is it still early?"

Donned, Longfei night remembered a thing, "Right, I am hurrying tonight, I don't know how to do it, I will go see!"

"Let's go! I will go with you." Moon White turned.

The two did not delay, and they went out.

"The master, the big lady has come in." After the two stood in his body, the three were stopped in half, and did not enter the yard.

Wei Xiu dust is slight, and then it is unnatural, and turn it back and restores a cold and noble.

"Let's go!"

Three people are like walking, walking in the air.

"The dust is once again," he arranged? "

Zhong Yu nodded, "Yes, Wang."

"Then, I will give it to the child tomorrow, she will be happy!" The sound of the sound is gently and slowly said.

Bai impermanence, can not help but also: "Wang, why not directly bring someone to see Miss? Isn't it simpler?"

"Tomorrow, you know it." The meaning of .

Zhong Rong and white are not always noted, just, it will take a back: "Wang, Xiao Hui's news, said that the man has fallen, he will go out, but he didn't leave Mo City, just The desert house near Moh City. However, the old man is gone, and there is a woman while walking. "


"Back to Zhang Wang, you should know that Yunlong Guo Murong's Murongfei is also a disciple of Xianzong's elder." White cavity replied.

, "She?"

"Yes! Under the date, Murongfishi left the fairy on the same day on the day of Mo City, I heard that the old age made her ex!

Bai impermanence, immediately said: "Preliminary speculation "

After listening to reports, he didn't speak, just thinking about it while walking.

Zhong Rong and white were not dared to disturb.

"Murong Fei Xue ..." He repeated this name faintly, and immediately told: "Send a person staring at Murongfei."

"Yes!" Bai impermine immediately.

"In addition, people are investigated, who will send people in the sanctuary, and report to this king tomorrow." Yan Xiu also told him again.

White is incompetent again, "It will be understood." If you fall, you will take it.


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