Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In this way, it seems that the fairy is basically, and Yin Jun looked at the people sitting here. Subsequently: "Oh, some people are really, do what things like to play, games Start, I haven't arrived yet, I'm really can't. "

His words are undoubtedly let the people around you look at Lingzong, and Park Xiangyuan is just a glimpse, no more idle.

Ling Zong's people heard this, basically heard the irony in the words, when the other party was talking, it was seen in this side, and it was more sure that the other party said that they were here. Some disciples suddenly felt angry.

Moqi just replied: "Take your ass! You can manage yourself, it's okay you?"

"Oh, I said you? Are you so nervous? It's hard to do your spirits, and I'm just a few times." Yin Jun said a few times.

Some of the fairy sorrows, and the fairy clouds immediately also mentioned: "Yin Migan, talking is a little better, in case the other than the revenge, it is possible to revenge."

"What are you talking about?" Monozon suddenly blamed face.

Lu Ziyi couldn't help but accuse the soul of the cloud: "What do you mean by this, some people don't think there is something good, and there is a lot of people in the back, but I don't want to say anything else?"

"Just! Just!"

"Don't face! When you say people, you will not be in the moment."

Li Heng looks to Yin Junjing, and slowly said: "Only small talents will make yin, don't take the disciples of Lingzong."

When I heard this, Lu Zi smiled when I arrived. "Oh, Division finally said the big truth."

There is a little unnatural face on Li Heng face, and I immediately said: "When is the truth, I am telling the truth."

Seeing him somewhat embarrassing, Wu Xi suddenly smiled: "You don't seem to be shy, isn't it to praise two sentences?"

This is more embarrassed here, "You don't talk, no one will be dumb!"

"Haha! Ok, okay, I am dumb, I am!" Wu Xi couldn't help but laugh again. This is the second time I saw it hard to see.

Ling Zong, the joy of everyone, the next door is not good.

Yin Jun cold face, Shen Sheng said: "Li Heng? Your mouth is getting clean! Who is a small person?"

"Do you think you are a good person?" He said that he sat up.

"Does he know how you know? Do you know him?"

A cold female voice came.

The cold whistling cloud immediately turned his head, and he saw that Yun Wei, who was just coming, and there was a white dress, a man with a mask, and a few people behind him.

The four of the four are late to the prostitute, just, their appearance, let Xianzong just scream, but it is banned.

Li Heng saw that the moon left him to talk, and suddenly feel unexpected.

Feng Yiran saw the moon, and the excitement of excitedness was revealed, but inhibited it.

"I know that you will arrive late, but it seems that some people are very dissatisfied with you ..." Lu Ziyan said, turning his head, if you finish seeing Yin Jun.

Yun Yuyu's cold and light fell on Yin Jun and the cold whistlement, and the two were a little fear.

But soon, I checade, Yin Jun said: "How? I said, I said, I have been late, I don't want to say?"

Yun Wei looked at him coldly, and then spit out four words, "Guan your ass."


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