After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2488, the clearness of the cover, is no face

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Several I have participated in the postal forest experience, the more I thought, the more I thought Wushuyuan was in accordance with the standard of the lotus lotus.

Yin Jun also suddenly thought of a person, that is, at that sacrifice, a dead sister, Yin Jiexi ...

Everyone, the amount ... No, it should be said that the woman's vomiting, let Liu Chengjun standing in front of Lingzong are very embarrassed.

Immediately for Yun Yuyu: "Clean, I am not the kind of person who is said to the month, I really don't mean."

"I am not interested to know anything you." Yun said coldly to interrupt her.

The moon is still keeping a smile and watching her. "How long is your holy area? If you don't want the game, you plan to stand still, but you still change a place, we look at it."

Jun Yinfan is cold and smashed, and immediately said: "Teacher, let's go first?"

After reading the cloud, I immediately watched the month, and Liu Chengjun took the head, "Okay."

But I still left a sentence before going, "I am too early, if I don't want to be too early, do you have to be with dusty now?" The words, leaving it.

The month is from the immediate back, "Not, even if you don't have me, you can't have anything to him."

Liu Chengjun turned again: "That may not be!"

"Hey, so confident?" Moon smiled.

The other party looked at the moon, and suddenly snorted, turned to sit in the holy area exclusive position.

Yun Wei offlines in the month: "Why do you have to talk to her?"

"Nothing, anyway, the battle has not started, just when you find a little time!" Moon is smiling.

"You!" Yun Wei revealed a smile, and scraped her nose.

This intimate action also stimulated Liu Chengjun, she sat on the other side, but it still pays attention to this, and suddenly faces.

Paying my heart and then persuaded: "Miss, you still don't look, anyway, wait for someone else, there is her joke."

Liu Chengjun nodded, "Well."

"Miss, how is your state today? Your uncomfortable last night, is you sure today?" Fu Xinyu can't help but look at her.

Jun Yinfan also cares about: "Some, are you still uncomfortable?"

Liu Chengjun shook his head and gently said to him: "Jun brother, I am fine, just some no breathing, I can hold it."

When I felt, I was distressed when I was angry. At the same time, I was indignant to Liu Chengjun: "Miss, you are so doing, the dust is not asking, the slaves are not worth it for you. That is to be confused by the moon, that What is the woman? When I am now, I can't even dare to reveal, and I can't cover it. "

"Heart rain." Liu Chengjun immediately said that it did not agree that the dust is not the skin-shallow man, he will be the moon, it is necessary, the other party is also available? And said that I have a few years I have a few years. Haven't seen it, he will forget that I am also able to have the same thing. I will understand me the same, it is also understandable. "

"But you have a marriage!" Fu Xinyu once again.

Jun Yinfan is distressed, "" Shi, you think about others, you will be wronged or yourself ... "

"Jun brother, don't say it."

Liu Chengjun reveals a helpless, barely exposed smile.

This makes Jun Yinfan look more sour, and the people who have heard around the holy area are also dissatisfied with the month.

A man in a sanctuary: "The saints, the moon is clear, the horizontal knife is loved, and the dust is so arrogant. It will be attracted by this woman, and we feel worthless for you."


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