After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2491 This is the first beauty of Xianzong.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "You all know this woman?" I vioosted immediately.

Lu Ziyan showed a ridicule: "Where is it? Waiting for you to know what kind of person she is, the sanctuary of the sanctuary compared with her, the two are not the oil lamp, and it is the same Narcissism. "

The focus of their focus on Murongfei, but the moon is looking at Murong Snow that she is behind her, full of doubts.

"Brother, do you think that those people behind Murong Fei have a little strange." The month asked with Yun Yun.

Yun Hao listened to the moon and shouted his brother, and his mouth was unwrapped in the mouth and smiled, and then he looked at Murongfei, his light flashed.

It's told, "Well, it is not easy."

"I don't think that they are not like a fairy disciple." Moon off slow road, Zongmen disciples unless it is very cultivated, I usually want to hide except for her physical fitness, outsiders can't see, and there is also a repair In order to be higher than the detector, their cultivation is also impossible to overcome Yun Yu.

It seems that it is most likely to use a hidden crane ... This is very rare.

Or say that these people are easy to row?

Liu Chengjun also noted the movement of this side, looked at it, suddenly was attracted by Murongfishue, a pure white long skirt, the face is thick, the hair has a few shawls, a few a few, a pair of eyes with a few charm Color.

The face is also as she is generally, and the eyebrows are more eye-catching, and the red lips are flames, which is commensurate with the white clothes, which is more charming.

"Who is she?"

Paying next to the rain, naturally listening, the surrounding people said, the eyes disdainfully looked at the eyes, and then said: "Miss", I heard that this woman is the first beauty of Xianzong, called Murongfishue "

"Murong Fei Xue?" Liu Chengjun's eyes were moving, and it was crossed.

Some men around me have followed Murongfu, all the way to the location of Xianzong.

"Okay, you are going to sit back." Murongfei said.

The team of about 20 people left, immediately gotting up the stairs, and went to the last two rows of the top side.

The night wind poors a lot of eyes, but the myth did not say, and he recovered his sight.

Some disciples of the meteorns, I can't help but have a lot of eyes, Zhaoling can't help but say: "This is the first beauty of Xianzong, Murong Feiyue? Sure enough is beautiful."

"It can be said that it is not the same as the holy area, it can be said that it is a bit more beautiful than Lingzong's Lu Ziyue." Qi Tianlei slowly.

Ye Liangchen looked at the woman who walked next to them, faint: "OK!"

The Dragon Stringent scorpion moved, and then he went to him, hook the road: "Listen to the leaves, it seems that Murong Fei is not in your eyes?"

Qi Tianlei suddenly looked at him, "Yes, Liang Chen brother, you said this as if it is said, but so general?"

Ye Liang Chen immediately smiled: "Don't you think that the body, temperament, or the moon, whether it is a holy area of ​​the south, or the immortal of the fairy, even more than the land of Line, there is no difference ? "

This will make them can't help but accidentally, to tell the truth, they really don't care seriously.

However, Zhaoling moved: "You can now have no one to see it, who knows how long?"


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