After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2504 is going to play

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Chengjun did not return, and the eyes of the moon were deeply dark.

Jun Yin Fan suddenly reminded, "" The teacher, the heart of the anti-person, "

When he said, Liu Chengjun nodded to him, softly replied: "Okay, thank you brother remind you."

Murongfei's tone is slightly disdainful: "This is really a long way to leave the month."

"What is the idea of ​​flying snow?" The night wind showed her smile.

Murongfei Xue smiled and smiled. "The idea is not, just some seem to be too pleasant."

The night wind looked at the eye, and then didn't continue this topic again, "Let's go! I am on the stage."

Murong Snow, headed down, and turned his head and finally the moon on the ring, the mouth slightly outlined, and he turned and left.

Epic seeing Xiao Kaiqi is not much, this again said: "Below, please ask the disciples to come to their respective platforms." Taking it, watching the following meteor disciples immediately: "You can't come up? what?"

The disciples of the flowing star are also reacted at this time, they have to go to the battle.


Qi Tianlei looked at the Dragon String Star and Ye Liangchen, "Let's go! Still first."

The Dragon Stringent star is also flying directly. As soon as I jumped into the platform, I asked Xiao Xiaoni: "Xiaoni teacher, you have not a big problem?"

"No! I am very good!" .

Her answers let the Dragon Strings are somewhat uncomfortable, but I will look at the other's appearance, my heart is balanced, and I am still talking on my face: "That is good, the Shi Nai teacher is nothing."

Turned and said to the epic: "Master, since the small fire is nothing, will you take her to rest?"

"Rest in the afternoon? Why do I have to rest?" .

Other meteor disciples have also opened: "Xiaoni teacher, you are not the first thirty, how do you fight this?"

"Just! Although you want to make a difference in the zone, you have to look at the actual situation! It is not a play than the trial, it is said to fight.

The status of the meteorite belongs, so that the spirit of the Lingzong and the ink will only stand next to it.

Sun ai listened to their seven-tongue speech, and did not have a direct return.

I didn't talk even the epic, I was listening.

The Dragon Sinix Star saw him, and then said: "Master? Do you think?"

"Assassin! You can't agree!" Qi Tianlei immediately said, at this moment, the hope of his division is if his Master, the elders, at least some people help talk.

Looking at the look of the look, the epic didn't feel much, but I was still worried about .

The face is dignified, quite serious, let the disciples think that he agreed.

I only heard his tone slightly: "Small, you are sure you want to play? Want to clear?"

"Of course!" is very firm and does not hesitate.

The Dragon String Star suddenly took a brow, Ye Liangchen was a little accident, but it was still worried.

Qi Tian Lei is anxious, immediately: "Xiaoni teacher! How can you be so late?"

Shiqi is just a laughter: "What happened to this lady? Have you?"

Dragon Strings directly: "However, you are the benefit of the door, you hinder the zone rankings!"

"Oh, is it? Take a brother, what do you say?" did not talk more to him, directly to the epic.


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