After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2507, which rabbit scorpion?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! As soon as this is said that there is a little difficult to emotion, but I think that they are two things that they are not seeing, and they are open.

I want to understand, my face is natural, and at the same time: "If you see, you are now I am now."

When I heard the red art, Longfei night almost didn't have a happy snoring, when I grabbited her, excited and happy: "Haha! I am you, my all belong to you."

The month is smiling, and then I feel that my hands are also touched by people next to them.

Yun Wei immediately went up: "I am yours."

"Well, don't be a meat." When the month, he felt a little embarrassed, see him pushed.

Yun Wei is even can't stop showing, but it has never continued to tease her.

Longfei night with the red articles of public confession, so that the atmosphere of the battle.

On a ring next to it, Murong Fei Xue's eyes immediately flashed two times, "" Red Art? This name is really familiar ... Mo Family, Mo Hongyi? "

"What's wrong? Do you know her?" The night wind suddenly appeared around her and asked softly.

"No, just know a person who is the same name." Murongfei went, and recovered his sight.

At this time, the Long Tian proudly sitting in the VIP area, the mouth is slightly rising, and the performance of his son seems very satisfied?

His father-in-law sitting in him, Mo Yi is not so, the face suddenly disintegrates, "this stinky boy, which rabbit scorpion?"

Small rabbit scorpion?

Mo Yi's words made Long Tian proudly smashed his mouth, and the other side sat, Jamaki sat, and immediately advised: "Mo's brother! Care, calm, this grade is not a trouble with the kid. ? What? "

Mo Yi's two eyes were fired. It immediately wanted to eat people's eyes looked at the middle of the ring, staring at Longfei Night Road: "Just kidding? Is this like a laugh?

Long Tian arrogantly with Magasaki once again somewhat embarrassing, the dragon launched behind them can not help but feel puzzled, how can Miss Hongyi so quickly?

The face seems to have been a two-long dragon eagle, and four long old dragon, six elders Longqing, the three people are all panda eyes?

There is also the eye angle, or the corner of the mouth is all being turned.

At this moment, the dragon eagle looks at the eyes of the red art. It is also quite doubts.

Long Qing is a larlarity: "Miss Mo is really a deep love for us! It is only buried two days ago, and the bones are not cold, this is the same as their own Tongxin, I'm okay?"

Yaki turned his head and immediately screamed: "Shut up! We have not spoken, what are you?"

Dragon, who was reprisoned, couldn't help but depressed, "The ancestors, Longqing is also unmarkable for less!"

"Okay, then say this after the game, don't talk now." Mysaki opened again.

Mo Jing Mountain came over, the face was quite ugly, sitting down, and looked at the man who was close to his daughter on his own daughter.

"If you want to start playing, the baby is now rushing to the rabbit scorpion!"

Dragoni is proud of the Dragon, and the forehead is straightforward.

The area of ​​Lingzong disciples, several women are especially unwilling, almost all of them will be broken.

Looking at the eyes of the red art is hateful, "" Hugh, the woman of the water, the woman, found that we are unresolved! "Lan Ting finished, and it also rosted a lot of color.

On the other side of the VIP, Hu Jin saw the red art, and the eyes were obvious. "It is her?"


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