After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2512, I am called, Feng Yiran 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When I heard the month, I immediately understood her meaning.

Many people present, listening to the movement of Feng Yi Ren, and some are also deeply sympathetic.

Feng Yiran, also let some people are dissatisfied with some people.

"Forgetting worry, although we are a paradise, but you are bullied, it is right!"

Yin Jun is ridicpeted, "No, he is now unfair to the disciple of Xianzong. He is a murderer! It is the defeat of the murderous door!" Suddenly said: "If you want to reverse it is not black and white? Now bullivate innocent spirit Disciple, huh! I am Yin Jun is really looking down! "

Forgot to see the eye Feng Yi, I looked at Yin Jun, and the lips and sorrows: "You look down?" Donned, and then said: "You really look at you, look down on it, what is it? As if you say, you are very different? What do you count? "

Wow! !

Some once again, I was so arrogant. When I was so arrogant, those women couldn't help my eyes again.

Liu Chengjun's ,

Yin Junqi's red neck is thick, "you! You ..." I don't know what to say.

At this moment, I can't help but scream and scream. "Too great! Wow! Sorasker, too much !!"

The people around him looked at Sun Kun, and they couldn't help but slide out of the black line. They are all pleasant.

And Yinhe looked at his son and was forgotten, it was anger, it was angry, but Shao Yangqing next to him was stopped. "Do you want to come out? Now this is a fairy thing, you are just a family, you still want to plug in Not? "

I heard this, Yin He was unasshed, "That is my son!"

"That is also he lived! It's not clear, this forgotten is not a general person. Can anyone despise him? I don't think about it. You can see the Xianzong Zong Lord, can you have to go out?"

Shao Yangqing is clearly despised, but his words will make the anger Yin Huton to understand.

I quickly stayed in the cold day. When I am now, I will always be silent to watch the second quarter, and the look is uncertain.

The face of Murongfishi floated a touch of light smile, and the eyes of the forgotten look also turned from the initial exploration into a trace of interest.

Hu Li's eyes were dark, and he immediately died: "Forgetting the worry! You are so excited ..."

"Shut up!" Forgot to interrupt him directly, Hu Li really stalk the neck mouth, the scene is awkward.

Forgetting you can do him, turn around and look at Feng Yi, the voice is inseparable: "Feng Yiran, what do you say?"

Feng Yi, immediately nodded: "I know, you may not believe what I said, after all, a person who can't think of yourself, how can you know your name?"

I heard him: "But I really remember, and in the later years, I have never given up to find my family, and my parents have been helping me, finally, I have their news! It turned out ... I am the East Continent, the first family of the first world, Feng Jia's family. "

"What? Is this true?" The four elders were most excited, it seems to be happy in the reflection.

Lu Yan floated a slightly ridicule, and it quickly gone.

The two elders have nodded, some feelings: "I didn't expect to be lost for many years, and I can still find it back to relatives, it is fortunate!"

Longfei night with moon, whiten them, they really touched and endured, and they did not take over the impulse.

The moon looks at Feng Yi Ran's scorpion, and it has a flourishing cold light.


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