After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2515 Your sister is also born with Nirvana?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Although Dragon Eagle does not say, the spot in the eyes can still be seen, he is very happy.

Longhua said: "In the early years, the Feng family is married to the dragon and the dragon family. So future generation is quite powerful. If our dragon family can combine with the Feng family. Isn't it like a tiger?"

Suddenly, Longyin Lin immediately looked to his father, "Hey, if the Feng family really exists, then there is a sister, we can ..."

Dragon Eagle has heard what he means, the mouth is slightly bent, faint: "Don't worry, look at it again."

Just in the position they did, another thrower leader, a white brocade, flat and unmodorant five senses, watching the phoenix emotion, showing a touch of light smile, but it is full of disdain.

I thought that the old man said: "The master, can he grabbed him, and this will lead to the Feng people?"

White man hooks: "Don't worry, I confirm true and false, if it is true, find a right opportunity to do."

"Yes!" The old man replied.

The Basil Basin has a bright eye, and it is immediately excited: "Do you really say?"

Feng Yi, immediately nodded, and the tone is sure: "The sentence is true, the matter is that I am not very convinced, but everyone doesn't know, just three years after my sister is imprisoned, the Prince's Rethered on the day and night, I He was killed by the animal. "

"What? You don't talk, the truth is your sister revealed? How did she be killed again?" Said a bunch of strange.

The Eastern Mont said in a doubt and immediately looked at him.

Feng Yi felt the focus of the audience was on his own, and the should be watching Wu Ming. Face is a positive, immediately said: "If you have heard of Feng people, you will know that the feminine of Feng people has a special ability."

People around you don't see you feel confused and look at him.

A voice, then ringing, "Feng Gongzi, what do you want to say, the Phoenix Blood's Nirvana?"

This is the man who speaks is the old man's forest, and the face is trying to restrain his excitement.

Epic looked at him, and the mouth of his mouth was secretly paid, and it quickly gone.

The audience sounded again, "Phoenix Nirvana?"

"I know this! This must be a real Phoenix blood to have."

The face is even more exciting, and it is shocked.

"Wow! If so, don't the girl do it? Tissue amazing?"

Everyone around is surprised, and many families are even more envious.

The eye of the Dragon Stringent star suddenly revealed, and I remembered anything, and the corner of the mouth hooked a letter to a confident smile.

The long lives of the dragon's family are also excited, excited, watching Feng Yi, is expected.

Feng Yi Ren also nodded and seems to respond to the affirmative answer of everyone.

"I can affirm the reply, yes, my sister is because of the phoenix blood, so I will die, and I will have a disfigure from being poisoned. At the same time, I can't cultivate the waste material, Nirvana, reborn, and it is shocked. At the same time, the talented, there is three attributes, and in just three months, we will repair it from the waste material to the masters. Peak. "

The surrounding is quiet, and it is back to the moment.

The long age of the dragon's family is very excited.

The eyes of the cold days are moving, and the brow is slightly screwed, and it is close to the Oriental strange.


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