Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yuyu's face floated a brids: "It is obvious, yes."

The moon is from the opponent's eyes, but the color is clear, and it is not excited.

On the second quarter, the night wind is the line of sight and falls on the month, and it is suspected in doubts.

Murongfei saw a month from the moon, and the color is full of colors, and the night is very late: "Don't wear it, she has long recognized him."

When I heard Murongfishue, the night wind suddenly opened, turned to her: "How did you know?"

Murongfishue looked in front and faintly said: "You don't have to ask this."

When the night wind is full of doubts, the Murongfishue today is indeed different.

The forest long old in the south area looked at Feng Yiran. It was quite excited. The eyes stared at Feng Yi, and they did not rush.

Liu Chengjun looked at Feng Yiran, and his eyes suddenly showed surprises, but it quickly returned. "Jun brother, it seems that we are right this time."

Jun Yinfan nodded: "Well, I don't know when the mes can come."

Yan Xiaomi has been observing Feng Yiran. I don't know if it is her illusion. When this person, I don't look like a person who has a fear offertine ...

Forgot to look at Feng Yi, I naturally saw that he had been staring at the moon at the moment, especially looking at him to see the month, it is particularly unhappy.

However, he has not spoken, Hu Li has already actively opened, his face is worth: "Forgetting! Do you say? Feng Gongzi can be the young master of Fengzong, and the biography of the Ling Zongmen Disciple, he can not ignite. "

Feng Yi Ren quickly nodded, a face is right: "My Feng Yi will never do a name of the phoenix, you want to open the crime for yourself, but I am wrong, then you are wrong, I will never Compromise! "

Feng Yi Ren's words were vibrated, and the sound was loud, and the eyes were quite firm.

If the environment at this moment is not allowed, Longfei night with the moon, they will definitely laugh, at this moment, a few are trying to smile, do not let yourself laugh.

Forgetting the eyes are full of ridicule and smiling.

There is also a lot of surroundings to Fengyi's words.

The condemnation of forgetting is increased, "Feng Gong is said to be reasonable."

"I didn't expect that Su Zhen's apprentice was actually this kind of person, and he lost the face of Xianzong."

Hu Li was smiled and immediately said: "Forgetting the worry! Killing people, the sky! The harmful door is even more lingering! On the same day, you are lucky to escape, today you want to escape again!"

I have fallen, turned to the cold weather: "The master, the sinner of the immortal, forgetting the design to kill the same innocent disciples, but also almost killed the old and spiritual disciples. Please immediately order it! To avoid delays game."

The slightly face of Yi Chi Tian looks for someone, and forgetting the worry and look at him two. It will be smiled again: "How? Five elders so urgently want to kill people?"

Hu Lairo immediately said: "The old man is only forces to clean up the creation, you are still awkward!"

"Zongwen, please order it!" It is also asked in just aside.

The dark scorpion of the easy-to-cold sky stares to the worry, the cold tone will be said: "Forgetting the worry, do you know?"

"I am not guilty, why?" I forgot my sorrowful voice.

"The five elders worry that he is designed to kill his apprentice's abundance, so I am married to me, do you really know what to listen to? What is he said, is it?"


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