After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2523 is more than the test 4

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Forgot to write a few times, people who have already launched the collar, and they have never been moved from the beginning to the end. At this point, look at the eyes of the moon, covering a soft light, and the lips are bent, it seems that it is good.

The moon is seen from the same line of sight to him, and there is also an emotion in the eyes.

"You have a few together! Let her solve her!" One of the men of the Pope, the brow is tight, a son of a gloomy scorpion is close to the moon.

His voice came, and there were several people at the same time, and at the same time, there were also people who attached to Yun Wei.

Hey ... fierce the battlefield.

I saw that some of the other matches were in the two-year-old, and they were all ink, and they were all ink.

"There is still seventeen, the meteorizes, 14." Moon swept the rest of the eye.

Such a contrast, the most of the spirit, there is still twenty.

"First solve the pursuit of the ink, and then solve the flow of meteorizens? Still ... You are responsible for them? I am responsible for the meteorizens?" Longfei night's mouth came with a smile, while the eyes god greeted.

The other party feels that Longfei night is watching himself, and suddenly it feels unique.

Month leaving the lips: "Don't you think that the individual is better than the collective season?"

Longfei night is even more happy, and then laughed: "Yes! How do I forget it, I am too anxious."

The opposite team looked at them actually eliminated their martial arts, can't help but be angry.

Dragon Strings is just: "Oh! You are too small to see our meteor."

The people of the ink are not words, but the man who has just ordered it, the cold face, more sinking a bit.

Run your hand and made a gesture, and three people immediately stood in him, while the movement was hands-on, and the spiritual power was running.

The next one once again initiated statistics, and other people also launched a rapid offensive from other people of Lingzong.

At this time, there is also an unexpected color when the moon is separated, "is strong?"

Yun Wei smiled shallow: "You continue, or come?"

"Of course ... you come." The moon left, his mouth was laughed, the left eye blinked, this playful look made Yun Wei instantly mood.

"it is good."

Only one word, people have disappeared their eyes, and then appeared in front of the four ink.

When the person took the lead, the speed of the other party was so fast?

It quickly reacted, the spiritual force of the four palms was also swayed, followed by, Qi Qi made a print gesture.

"Swallowing!" There are several quishers in the ink.

I saw that the ground started at the foot of Yun Yu, and the vortex appeared in an instant.

Other people around the battle have seen this, how far is you busy, and Xiao Xiai looks at the eyes, shocked: "Wow! It's so powerful!"

Moon Moon is really next to it, heard her talk, turned around, there are no people around her, she is still stupid.

Can't help but sweat, "Are you not afraid of being ?" While talking, there is a glove on the month of the month, and a set of instantly takes the moment of her shoulders.

Kaiki has not responded yet, and he looked at the moon white, "Hey? How do I here?"

Moon Moon White did not answer, just picking up the glove, and in the hand into the powder.

This action makes the sunkise depressed, is she disappeared?

Whether she thinks, Moon white can not plan to say anything, turn to continue to see Yun Yu, many people look at the expansion and powerful swirls, are guessing the scenes that will happen next.


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