After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2526 does not want to play directly!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Jun brother, I don't want someone to produce an alternative view of the sanctuary." Liu Chengjun once again, and this meaning is also very obvious, that is, the words just said, and suddenly all of them.

The ratio of the four queues start again, just ...

After a just now, the two martial arts did not dare to find someone in the Shengya. I saw that their two men were playing, and the people in the sanctuary were like watching, there is no matter what they do.

Even if the person in the sanctuary actively attacks other two factions, but the people who don't want to do the way, fight with others.

But people in the sanctuary are to chase people, and they don't hide with him, and even the opportunities that have been taken off, such a picture does not speak.

Lin Chang said that there is a gas and can't say, it is ugly.

The moon is slowly returned, and the supervisor of the monk of the No. 1 Competition: "Can the results of the No. 1 queen announced?"

When I heard this, the Dragon String Star looked at several disciples standing next to the ring, two of which were unwilling, but helpless, darkness was dark.

The supervision of the monk is also coming back from the No. 4, busy: "Yes, but the spirit also has five people, and finally can only leave ten."

When I heard this, a group of people in Lingzong, you see me, I will see you, and finally follow the ranked way, the last five automatic listing.

"I, we quit." A man said someone else.

The supervisor of the supervisor, I looked at them, nodded: "Well, now I announce, the first queue is over."

After this, I was announced here, and I was also announced at the same time.

Lu Ziyu is happy to clapping at the position, "Hahaha! End! It is really easy to win the moon!"

"There is a big brother, it will not be poor." Some people should immediately.

It should be filled with the hatred of the hatred again to see the moon again, and the eyes are dark.

And Feng Yiran's line of sight is not falling in the month, but always looks for someone, and the look is gone.

There is also a unknown sensation in my heart, I always feel that the question before forgetting is not the wind, it seems to have something to say ...

Huang Shiming, ink, looked at the moon, and the cold voice slowly spitting two words: "Damn ..."

The month will leave the ring and returned to the seat, and the fourth quarter continues.

Shiqi is directly not far from the number four, looking for a space position, I don't know where the melon, the side of the side: "What is going on? The sanctuary did not play?"

Next, I suddenly took a voice and responded. "Just! How to fight against Wu? Don't hit how to lose the result?"

Shiqi immediately smiled a few times, and immediately stressed: "I look at the people in the sanctuary, everyone is afraid, in case of the injury, I will find those avengers to revenge, it is not good!"

There was a gap in surrounding, and some people couldn't help but laughed: "Who is not? Just just scratch the sanistist arm, they are like that, if it is more injured, then it is more difficult. "

At this time, I listened to Xiaiqi to sputum, shouting towards the No. 4 ring: "Hey! Are you so stupid? Don't want to play directly! A team will not be fine in the ring? ? Don't waste spirit? "

Yup! Why didn't they think?


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