After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2530 We will not encounter

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "So, this is the first to register, it is to prevent some teams from secretly change the number?" The moon said, can't laugh.

"Well, it has this factor." Yun said.

When I have been registered, I am like a thief, I'm sneaking, and I touched the moon, "Hey, are you a few?"

The moon turned to her, "No. 3, three groups."

When I heard this number, I was a lot of breath, "Haha, okay, ok, we didn't meet."

"Will you worry?" Moon passed away.

immediately nodded: "Yes! They all say that you are a metamorphosis, I am still afraid! This is the next time, I haven't proved my strength, I'm giving you it, I am not very faceless?"

The moon is away from the horns, and then said: "You can rest assured, we will not meet forever."

Yun Wei returned to her: "Finished? After you finish you can go." Then, I took the month and immediately walked down.

"Of course you don't understand." Red art smiles: "Some men have to be born with outsiders, but the woman who likes it is another look, waiting for you to have a man you like, you will understand "

Longfei Night is really happy: "Is the small art saying me?"

The red art has turned a white eye to him, and he left.

"Small! Xiaoyi!" Longfei night walked, but his face was still a stupid.

People who like themselves are unintentional ... stupid?

It seems that I want to understand, Yan Shiqi is imagined that the dust will be smirk, suddenly, "Shu ..."

"Xiaoni teacher, what's wrong with you?" Ye Liangchen suddenly appeared around her.

quickly waved, "No, there is nothing. Are you a few?"

Ye Liangchen replied: "No. 4, No. 7 opponent."

Shiki nodded, walking towards the ring, the side: "Well, fortunately, we are not opponents, or I will not go to you."

After listening to her, Ye Liangchen smiled and smiled: "The Shi Nai teacher will laugh."

"Don't think I am joking with you, I am serious." Yan Shiki turned his head to him, but he didn't believe it. Then I don't say it, I will go straight.

Ye Liangchen is only just when Xiaoyiu is laughing, showing a smile, shook his head.

"Forgetting the worry, are you a few?" Murongfei chased the worry and asked him to show him a smile.

Forgot to work, I looked at her, slightly spitting two words, "No. 1 , No.1." It is directly with the blood and blood.

Murongfishue looked at them left and didn't chase again. Yin Jun came over and angry against the back of the forget: "Hey, what is he good? I really don't know, he is here to be confident, die to the head ..."

"It's enough, don't just know that these are useless." Murong Fei Xueyin, turned away.

Yin Junzhi is tomb, suddenly there is a bit uncomfortable, watching Murong Fei Xue, but the other party is far away.

"What are you doing here?" The night wind urged the sound and left.

"What happened?" The cold whistling clouds came over.

Yin Jun converges the god, and the Tao: "Nothing, let's go!"

Liu Chengjun looked at Yun Wei and left the month, and the double-in-one look made her a kind of embarrassment, but she could not show it.

"Teacher, don't look again, I can only enjoy this for a while, and the people in the sanctuary are here."


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