After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2548 Month from VS Wang Deli 4

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Wang Deli immediately licked his stomach in one hand, holding back hips, kneeling directly in the ball, his face also exposed .

The moon grabbed the water chain in his hand, and the tone was light: "I hope that you are right."

Wang Deli once again looked at the moon again, but the month was separated again to drain the water chain. Water balls hanging hang in the air, starting to rotate in the original ground.

Everyone looked at the strange, "What do you want to do?"

"Look at this, want to take it out?"

They are still talking about, but the moon is almost almost, seeing a direction, moving out!

The people who were trapped by waterbels have been fallen into them, completely can't control their shape, and finally I only feel that my body flooded outside, and all the way flew out.


Almost the focus of the audience of the audience, all in the water ball, all follow him, and then looked at him to fly out of the battle.

The words are shocked, immediately: "Go! Go see Wang Qi!"

The jade fox immediately waved, and the two men followed the disappearance, and then turned to the black face and pointed to the month. Under, no, yesterday they have passed.

Seeing him, the moon is looking at him from the cold sight. "What do you want to say?"

The words are turned around the jade fox, "said it is not clear!"

The jade fox quickly said: "Our watershed has a festival with you with dust, but you shouldn't make your hands better than trying!"

"Don't be inexplicable." Moon returned to the cold and then looked at the old man, "the old, the result may be announced?"

The monk of the monk replied: "It's still can't, you need to find Wang Deli first, confirm that the other party is still alive."

When the moon is suddenly speechless, isn't it to lose people? As for life?

The jade fox who was not treated in the month was suddenly indignant.

"Water ..."

"You just try again."

This security sound, from the dust, and suddenly let the jade fox shake it.

If you don't say it, you will not say that you will open the mouth toward the jade fox: "Shut up! What are you going? This kind of occasion is it loud?"

The jade fox is busy nodded: "It is not right. Sorry, the Lord of the Hall."

On Lu Ying face, a smile and smile, watching the jade fox, and then recovered the sight.

Ziruixi looked at the dust, and his eyes showed a wonderful color.

After the moon, I watched her name, I didn't talk, and then I wanted at the moment of admitted jade fox. Some intakes. Immediately turned to the channel position and quickly came to a guarded man.

For the Monetary Demonira: "The old man is old, the royalty of the disciple is not a big problem, just being blindly lost next to a latrine."

When I heard this answer, everyone suddenly understood, the previous month left the help, and later asked the latter position, it turned out to be this.

"Haha! It's really just right." Longfei night suddenly laughed.

The words are bouquet of jade fox again. I didn't expect to go to the moon to go to the totro.

Among the disciples of the basin, a man sitting in the corner, his face is not very good, it seems to be a little disappointed, and his eyes are blamed, and it is obvious to see the moon.

The moon asked again: "Can the elder announced?"

The monk is always nodded immediately: "Yes. No. 3, the third group, Lingzong from the moon, win!"


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