After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2553, Liheng VS, Spherating Cloud

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At the beginning of the battle, I entered the fierce battle.

The same is the same, and everyone doesn't relax everyone.

Liheng hands quickly printed, and the surrounding air also dropped.

The cold wind is blown up, and the cold storm is surrounded by the spicy clouds.

The opponent is geared, when using the earth wall, flying to avoid it over.

Boom ... ...

Defensive wall instulum, Li Heng hand, one trick, a silver short knife appears in the hand, and there is a flash to disappear.

The cold whistlebies were slightly smashed, and suddenly waved two silver mandes in the direction of the opponent.

! Two sounds!

Li Heng once again swars off, and the other hand is condensed, "Ice!"


See this, he exposes an ample, quickly avoids, but Li Heng's attack has arrived before, his heart is, the spiritual force broke out.

boom! ! The spiritual power is turned to the ultimate, and the derived spiritual force intercepts the ice cone, followed by the face of the prosperity!

! It is also a burst of attack.

The two quickly separated, the cold whistle the clouds, the throat was a sweet sweet, and the blood in the body was turning, and there was no vomiting blood.

Drinking is full, the town is fixed, and there is no impact.

"I still look at you, I didn't expect you to live."

When I heard Li Heng, the cold whistlers smiled: "Let you be disappointed, I don't have a big matter, just try your strength, now it is true."

"Is it? That is just together." Li Heng light hooked his mouth, and the cold eyes flashed a few times.

The hands are again printed again, and the wind is raining at the moment.

Looking at Li Heng and the cold, the moon is in a few accidents. "For a while, his strength has a lot, and the control of the attribute element is also more heart."

There is still more than one thing like her, but the white foam is paying attention to the season's strife, but the two places are squatting, and the performance of Li Heng can also be seen.

Some accidents, "His strength is strong? I thought he would have anything, then ..."

Lu Ziyue is busy: "Momo, some things should not be mentioned, maybe this is not bad now."

The white foam immediately understood what she means, smiled and said: "I am a bit surprised, but it seems that he still saves."

In the side of the ink, a black man gave Huang Shi Ming's close to the low language: "The Ling Zong, the four ,"

Huang Shiming's cold eyes have a different color, and then look at Li Heng, the investigation is clear? "

The black man immediately replied: "Go back to the adults, the following is the case, the people are sneaked in the spirit, and Li Heng is his child's identity is not open, but it has also been excluded in the Zongmen."

"It is considered that this is an opportunity, why not re-cultivate a ..."

Huang Shiming said light. You said, this is naturally understood. However, he is different from him, I am afraid it is not so good. "

"Adults can rest assured that they have already thought about it." The black man immediately respected, when it was close to his ear, said a few words.

Huang Shi Ming's mouth suddenly bent, and nodded told: "Okay."

At the same time, the two of the competitions is still in the plan, and the fighter is already injured in the body, and the spiritual power is not small, and the face is ugly.

"It seems that it doesn't have to be a contract beast." The cold whistlement is falling, and the hand is bright, the silver is flashing, and the medium-sized iron rhinoceros appears.


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