After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2555, you still say not to laugh, a little horror

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Then he heard a loud noise on the ring, and he was a mouth of blood.

The speed of the iron corner rhinoceros is slow, and immediately ran in his owner.


Tension in the humming sound.

The cold whistle is half a squat, there is blood in the mouth, and there is a kind of opinion that can't believe the other party.

"You ... cough ... cough ... how can you ..."

"Surprised my strength, why are you stronger than you?" Li Heng looked at him, and his mouth evoked a taunt.

"Although I don't have a contract beast, it doesn't mean it." Li Heng said, raising his hand towards him to show again.

The cold whistle is ambitious, and immediately shouted: "I will admit!"

His admission, suddenly surrounded many people, "I will admit it so quickly?"

"Now the first game, maybe I have the opportunity to win two games?"

Yan Sanyuan suddenly touched: "I didn't expect that this person had a contract beast or not."

"If the opponent is strong, even if there is a contract beast, it will not be able to win." He immediately replied, and at the same time, it was very strong in his heart.

On the ring, Li Heng is light: "If you are shouting." The spirit of the inner spilled, and he looked at the middle of the supervisor.

The monk of the monk immediately understood a silk, and quickly announced that the road: "No. 4, the fourth group of spirits Li He Heng!"

As a result, the fairy people can only recognize it.

The cold whistling clouds recovered their contract beasts, and looked at Li Heng, although he was unwilling, but there were two games, or the points of the points were intended to do it for the back of the trial. This feast is opportunity. Reported!

When you meet the sight of the other party, Li Heng is only a faint look back, and he turned to the ring.

The month is also a little unexpected to the performance of Xiuheng, this time, it seems that he didn't work hard.

Just when he returned to the Lingzong Rest Area, he said: "It is very good."

Li Heng footstep, the face is obviously a bit wrong, turning to her, busy, "Thank, thank you."

The moon has a smile and smile: "Very polite, a teacher, and have a glory."

For the month, it is a little embarrassed to make Li Heng, thinking of her malicious to her, the face is even embarrassing, this time passed with Wu Xi, his guidance, Some things have been released.

Now that the attitude of the month will also correspond to some words he said before Wu Xi, immediately pulled the mouth, I want to show a smile response, but ...

Longfei night suddenly shaked, "That, you still say not to laugh, a little horror. But I really didn't see it, your child is so powerful! Yes, good."

Liheng: "..." Is this boasting?

Red Art is immediately pulled with Longfei night, "I have a very heartless brother, don't talk."

"Thank you." Li Heng thought only this sentence for a long time, and finally nodded from the moon, and walked toward his seat.

Sit down, Wu Xixi is happy, immediately excited: "You are a small child, this day will fight the cultivation, it is really no white fee. Hahaha!"

Seeing his happy, Li Heng's mouth is over, but suddenly thinks that he said that he was saying that he laughed, and quickly recovered a calm face.

The calm is light, it is a response.

I have been used to him. Wu Xi just smiled, and again, I will look at the upper quarter of the stage.


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