Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In the half-air above the ring, Liu Chengjun still maintains the position of the fixed, but the surrounding air spreads, and it is better than the ice prevention of the show.

The skin on the body can't stand the meaning of cold and cold, and the frozen scalp is numb.

The concentrated chills began spread from the feet, and the body was in the body, and it was very obvious that the hands and feet were already stiff. The position of the hand can be seen, the cloth has been on a layer of cold cream, and there is already guess, he is I want to treat their people with their people!

Liu Chengjun quickly running spiritual power, want to break through Yun Yun's imprisonment, but once again failed, there is no way to use spiritual power.

How can this be? Is the first power of the other party a lot more than yours?

Thinking of this, Liu Cheng Jun's eyes once again looked at Yun Yu, and if it didn't want to lose, it was only try to convince him.

"No ... no ..."

However, when Liu Chengjun opened again, he found that his mouth began to fight, and it could not figure out a complete sentence.

So let her heart is more surprised, can't! It is not possible.

Under the urgent urgency, Liu Chengjun once again struggled: "I ... I recognize ..."

Yun Yuyu is unlikely, just when she is going out, she will raise her hand ...


The head that was originally not frozen was directly isolated, and then the body became a quick frozen man.

Liu Chengjun also maintains the expression of Zhang Wang wants to talk, and it will be great.

Seeing this situation, the following Junfan is in a hurry, the face is quite ugly, the biting teeth of the black, the bottom of the pot: "Clean! You don't have too much!"

Paying in the heart of the foot, "How can you do this to Miss? Don't you hurt your face?"

Those people in the south area have also begun to complain, and it is dissatisfied.

Yun Yu is cold and sweeping to them, cool the sound, slowly said: "Too much nonsense, irritability."

"What?" Jun Yinfan stunned, then immediately responded, immediately yell: "You are too much! How do you say this?"

"I admit it?" Yun Yu was calm and looked.

The moon is crying: "Your sanctuary is almost enough, is it to be trial, or come to this? On the trial platform, as long as one is not automatically enjoys, the other party can, I can do it, but said, dust-free It is not a chance to shout, it is she doesn't say it. "

"How? I don't want to blame others?"

Shiqi also immediately attacked: "Just! No

The surrounding suddenly sounded a cold, and many people only dared to laugh on one side, of course, did not dare to laugh.

She also admired in the moon, and her mouth hooked a smile. I looked at the eyes of the eyes. It is really 'no, it's amazing'.

Although Liu Chengjun overheld is said to be frozen, it can't hear it, even if it is frozen, his face still appears.

Foreign old, Lin Yuan can't say anything about Yun Wei, so I can only look at the epic, angry: "Shi Gong, I hope you can take good care of Yishui!"

The epic is busy: "Be sure." Then, there is no.

This is not equal to not saying?

Suddenly, Linyuan is half-dead, but when it is not for Sun Kai, but how to make dust-free don't hurt the saint.

This turned, just seeing Yun Wei to shoot, suddenly shout: "Clean! Hand!" Immediately: "Please see how you say that you are not married, Don't hurt her. "


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