After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2564, I don't want to leave the moon?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This makes two sitting next to it, can't help but confuse.

The supervision of the supervisor will go up, stand next to Yun Yun, I don't know why, he is very much to announce the results of the results, but also according to the process, etc., the situation of Liu Chengjun can announce.

The attitude is tryable to be as much as possible: "Clean, you need to wait a little, so good."

I didn't say anything, I was slight, and I stood in the platform, but I am sensitive. As him.

I feel that there are several ways to be very friendly sight. It is more powerful to come from Xianzong. I am free to look at it. Some unexpected other people are not night wind, nor the other people of Xianzong, actually forgot to worry.

This makes Yun Wei can't help but look, how can you respond? If he is really a big nephew, he can't sin.

Insurance, Yun Wei finally decided, or a good attitude. I'm tangled, and I also showed politeness in the next moment, my eyes were not so cold, and I nodded for someone, and the mouth of the mouth was just just just just the just.

"Amount? Clean and what happened? How do you look at us this side ... polite look?" Park Xiang was once again accidentally surprised.

The blood-blooded can't help but accidentally, I still raise the dust-free dusty, and even the 'mild' is reasonable?

He and the people who look at the people in Pu Xiang far, but,,, in addition to the indifference, in addition to indifference with a dislike?

Park Xiangyuan is quite curious, can't help but curiosity, once again asked: "That, forgetting ... What are you really know?"

"Don't know." Forgetting the worry directly when the reply is directly transferred, and the line is transferred to the moon.

As an object that is concerned by everyone, this attitude towards Yun Yun has changed, and naturally, it has also attracted the attention of everyone.


The month and ink are doubtful, and when I suddenly, "forget the worry?" Turned immediately what happened.

Immediately immediately, I saw the position of the sitting. At this point, the two visited the line, the calm inner heart suddenly was touched, and the eagerness of the family was more strong.

Brother ... Is it you?

Forgetting the sorrowful eyes, the eyes of the time, the eyes are very popular, and it is not a little in Yun Yu, and there is even too much.

I don't know, I just watched the indifferent breath that Yun Yu was shining.

"This ..." The two people sitting around, looking at the line, suddenly saw the woman on Lingzong, from the month?

The blood is immediately behind, and then in the past, the two people can see the surprised look in the eyes of the eyes.

The night winds and Murongfei snow they also turned around, and found that forgetting the sorrow and the people's situation, and found that the moon who is intending to him is.

The night brow is picked up, and it is doubtful.

Murongfishue also feels unexpectedly, and then laughs: "Hey? What are they there?"

"What did Murong's sister?" Yin Jun suddenly asked.

"Forgetting the mind from the merits of the moon, I don't look hard, and I have just been there. This is not a problem. What is it?" Murong Fei smiled, and the heart also floated an idea, and more I think it is.

At the same time, there is an idea, and there is a blood-blooded two people, and the heart: I should not like to leave the moon? So ... with a dust-free is a love relationship?

I thought that I would like to understand the two people, I suddenly scared.


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