After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2569 This bastard! Simply color gallbladder!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night is too excited, the people around you can't help but look.

The moon smiled and said: "This guy is really excited than anyone."

"If you are not excited, it is not him." Yun said faintly glanced over the night, and his eyes exposed.

Long Tian arrogantly rose, including a smile.

Mo Yi is very Mojing Mountain's face, it is really black, and Mo Yi's direct shooting table: "This bastard! Simply color biliary day!"

"Hey, don't be excited, the baby will now pack the mixed ball!" Mojing Mountain said directly, he wanted to rush.

Yogaki eyelids, stop, ", etc.

Long Tian proudly pulled it, "The big brother is not allowed, and the father-in-law adults will be gone. No matter what happens, let's say it after the game? Any I can't run, I am relieved. "

The heart of Long Tian is still kneading sweat for his son, this stinky boy, does not pay attention to the impact, even what the identity you use!

Lu Yan, nomited, mouth can't do not help, and immediately responded toward the dragon's house: "Mo Lao seniors, Jingshan brother, you can rest assured, I will be unfamiliar with you after this matter. Free disposeable. "

Mojing Mountain is a little accident, Lu Yan speaks so much?

Lu Yan received his eyes, suddenly coughed, "The matter, no matter what, no heart is not right, the lesson should be."

"That is nature! In the public, you are hugging. What is the body? What's more, Xiayi is my Mo's lady, can you just let the man take advantage of it?" Mo Yi finished, once again looked at Longfei night.

I said again: "Jing Mountain, you sit down first, go to pick him again for a while!"

"Yes, I." Mo Jingshan also shut down again.

Long Tian proud is also loose, he doesn't want his son to be white.

Lu Yan looked at the heart of the dragon and proud, once again, and suddenly recovered his sight.

Dragon Win and Longhua them, in fact, it doesn't matter, Mohong Art will make this so fast?

Dragon Eagle stared at it for a long time, and didn't see it.

, .

Red art is embarrassed by Longfei Night, and the cheek is red and is very difficult.

I am busy: "I have a unintentional brother, you quickly put me first, so many people look at it!"

"Hey, they will see it! I am afraid of my wife?" Longfei night is very happy.

"But, the elderly also announced the result ..." Red Art said again.

Longfei night immediately glanced over the presence of the supervisor, which reacted, immediately put her down, "You have a good result!"

The supervisor of the monk saw him so anxious, looked at the little couple, and couldn't help but show a smile. "Okay."

"No. 3, the fifth group, Ling Zongmo Hongyi, win." The supervisor of the supervisor said, and then wanted to look at the little couple and once again said: "Congratulations." After that, he left. " .

The red art cheek is red, and it is delicious, and it will run away the ring.

"Xiaoyi! You wait for me! You are so happy!" Longfei night quickly chased it.

There is only one of the most inconspicuous' light bulbs on the ring, which is the disciple of the flow of the stars. Some self-proliferation: "To express your love, why don't you have to be on this ... Feel. "


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