After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2573 Such a big uncle, what do you livate?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The night wind is revealed, "this ... how is it?"

The old face of the holy area of ​​the south area reveals tight colors, watching the forgotten worries into the storm of the platform.

Jun Yin Fan's hair is scattered, and the clothes are also broken, standing and looking up, and the face is all blood.

"You ... cough, cough ..."

"Jun brother! (Jun Shaoye)"

Liu Chengjun followed the voice of the rain, the voice of those disciples that had been holy area sounded at the same time.

Forgot to stand up, the cold eye is overlooking Junfan, and the voice is inseparable: "I said, ask for it."

The palm is once again, and the people in the ground once again waved the boxing, but this time did not use spiritual power, but simple meat. Body attack, but only this has made the injured Junfan can't stand it.

The people around only hear ... ... ...

A sound of a fist face, many people feel like playing on their face, not hoping.

Feng Yiran, I don't know if it is an illusion, I just felt, forgot to look at him, and the coldness of the eyes and made him tight.

"Do you have just found it, forget about our side?"

"No, do you have a mistake?" Should Wushen replied, and then he would see a ring. He has a sense of height: "However, we will not find us to revenge?"

Feng Yiran suddenly silent, he didn't have the end, although the fairyzer was ordered to kill, but now I forgot to be useful to Xianzong, explain that there will be no death for the time being ... then they are dangerous.

After thinking, Feng Yiran is very good: "He doesn't have evidence to prove yourself, we are the disciples of Lingzong, he dare not act rashly.

The four of the four rings around it were better than that, but because the movement of the No. 1 platform was too big, and even the platform was crossed, it was suspended, and the side of it was.

The blood-blooded is ambiguous, whispered, whispered: "What is the strength of this guy's strength ..."

Liu Cheng Jun is feeling not good, if it does not stop, Jun Yinfan is not allowed to be abolished, and I am busy calling: "Please ask your worries to raise your hands! Jun brother has been seriously injured and fighting again."

I haven't given a sorrowful angle of the eyes, and I still continue to take a fist to Jun Yinfan mad.

This makes the face of Liu Chengjun can't help but embarrass, his hands are tight, once again: "Forgetting the son! Please see the face of the sanctuary, let go of the Jun brother."

"Sanctuary? Can you eat?" Forgot to be busy, just don't stop in your hand.

Liu Chengjun was once again turned back, and his face was hard to see a lot.

At this moment, I looked at this kind of forgotten, monthly, white and dragon flying at the same time, "good violence ..."

Longfei night immediately looked to Yun Yuzhen, "dusty ... you are sure, such a big uncle, you live?"

Yun Wei slid out of the black line, and suddenly, the eyes looked at the violent people on the ring, just like to die, slowly replied: "."

When I heard this, the two couldn't help but silently, with him.

The moon is not forbidden, "Is it so terrible? How is my brother?"

Looking again, my moon is more deeply awkward, I don't know if it is an illusion, I always feel that he is so related to her.

Seeing that people on the ring will always don't stop, and Jun Yinfan is already completely lost resistance.

Lin Yuan is in a hurry, immediately shouting: "Forgetting! You are a foul! Yin Fan has lost the ability to fight again, but you still refuse to get a hand! Don't forget, the race rules do not give death of!"


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