After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2589 I am clearly talking about big things

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The words of , undoubtedly let the people around you make fun of.

Next to it is indeed a laughter, and the three elders of the meteorizens are exposed.

Lin Yuan's face is sinking, and it is not good. "What do you say? Do you dare to marry?"

"Who said that I am married you?" Yan Xiaoqi turned over and immediately said: "I am obviously talking about big words."

"Hahaha ..."

Her words once again attracted the laughter of the people, epic somewhat helplessly read her, symbolizing the voice, "the sunflower, there is no gift."

Yan Xiaoqi vomited his tongue, "How is people? Even the truth is not let me say, then I can only blink to the eyes." I have fallen, I am very weak.

Lin Yuan is not able to describe it with anger at this moment. Looking at the Xiaiki is simply algading teeth.

The left fillet looked at Yan Xiaoni, and there was no trace of unexpected colors in the eyes.

The tone is quite calm: "Little girl is good."

Xiao Kai smiled and politely said: "Thank you for your predecessor."

I would like to pay for the rain, and I pulled her sleeve in Liu Cheng Jun, and the sound was cryked, "Miss."

Liu Chengjun ruled that she did, immediately before, near the left messenger, kindly said: "Zuo, I don't know if you come, you can explain some things?"

This also reminded Lin Yuan, and quickly transferred the topic, "Left Messenger ..."

His words have not finished, epic is directly plus the words: "Is it better than this? Is there anything more than the trial, what is left?

Lin Yuan suddenly was not very happy. After all, the purpose of the left messenger is to intentionally block for their saints and dust.

Feeling the intention of epic, Liu Chengjun ruined and did not want to take off again.

Just, I haven't waited for them two in the opening, and the left messengers have deeply read the eye history poem, and then directly asked, "which is dusty, leaving month ..."

I heard her asked, but let Lin Yuan he relieved with Liu Chengjun.

The history of epic is slightly changed, that is, some people around them, heard that it is not banned, "This is really coming?"

"But what can I say, and it is also the apprentice of Ling Zong's grandpartum. How can I don't dare to do it directly?"

"But Lu Zong is not yet, wait for a good show."

Some people heard this, suddenly curious, wait for a while, what should I do if the sanctuary people do directly with Lingzong?

Park Xiangyuan is a bit deep: "Look at it, the other party should not let go of the month."

"Try it." The forgotten eyes were cold and looked out.

When he heard him, the blood was once again, and his two paired each other. At the same time, I also produce an idea.

This guy is so deeply used to leave the month?

Murongfei Xue is full of left, and then looks away from the month, his mouth is not banned: the wind is away, your sister is dangerous, I don't know if you will happen? If you have any words, can I recognize me? Ah……

Paying for Yu Yu's schematic to step down, respect the left messenger: "The messenger, sitting there is a disciple of spiritual, and the black mask, silver mask, It is a dusty son, and the white woman sitting next to him, and wear a mask.


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