Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! As soon as this is, I immediately scared Lin Yuan, "No, the old man doesn't mean this. Just, the old man thinks, I don't care, nor is it too much, is it not very good?"

"Since the southern girl makes those things, they must have the ability to bear the consequences. If you are elders, it will understand these truths." When the left films talk, the momentum also suddenly scattered.

The power of the power, Lin Yuan, can't help but have some unbearable, and quickly admitted the wrong: "Yes, it is an old husband to applaud, the sanctuary is true to let the Shengya Unicom are ashamed, and it is really impressed."

Here, I feel that the pressure on my body is scattered.

The left filler has once again dropped the line on the ring.

Epic looked at Linyuan onside, and his eyes were scored.

On the third platform, the month has been standing above, and the opponent opposite is the color of the basin.

Yan Di first passed: "I really thought about it, I am fortunate to fight for a moon, when I am being honored."

The month, the people, the people opposite the eyes, and the way: "He is heavy, start!"

The supervisor of the supervisory is straightforward, and the other party has no opinion, and the announcement will immediately flash.

The moon is lifted by the hands, the palm is hidden, and the sturdy breath has also changed.

Yan Dynasty immediately reached out, put on a piece of shooting in all his body, followed by his feet, and two hands were put on the invitation gesture similar to the ancient Wu, and a big drink: "Oh ...... Ah, yeah !! "

Month from: ".........." This person didn't eat missed drugs?

Long Fei Night has a few times, and suddenly smiled.

The moon is never painted, and the hand is lifted, it will be waved toward each other.

"And slow!" Yan Dynasty shouted.

When the moon is suddenly eyebrow, the cold voice will say followed: "Is there something?"

The people around also suddenly strangely, this time is the suspension, what is going on?

I saw Yan Jin's posture, respecting the pose, respectfully, respect the moon, and the big one's hands holding boxing, then said: "Separate the moon, your cultivation is the strength, there is a hear early, and see it, so I am admiring you! "

When I heard this, the month has been hidden. He is ready to do it. When we tried, "We haven't played yet, you are ready to fight back."

The words are painful, and the brows wrinkled. "What is it?"

The jade fox also said: "This guy is not toned all day, even more than the trial! It's just this!"

Those who have also guess Yan Dynasty, suddenly disappointed, have not started, directly admitted? How is the strength of the month, they are still unclear!

Yan Dynasty said: "Miss Miss, you don't have to be modest, you will be able to give you orally." Whenever a month will be said, then you will shout: "I admit!"

Looking at him and calmly walked down from the ring, the moon had to go with him.

Those disciples in the basin, a lot of disappointment, "What is going on? Even if you don't play? This is too useless?"

"That is! At least one or two moves! It's too much to lose our watershed."

Just walking back to the Zongmen seating area, he heard it, it is not angry, and the eyes are smiling and loud.

"If you know how to fight, you will be rushing to send it to people. I don't do it, I am not a fool?"

"How do you know that you can fight?" Yu Xiaolong looked at him.

Yan Jin shrugged, showing a smile: "Do not believe? I wish you good luck, I hope she meets you, let her see you."


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