Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The man raised his hand and explained it, immediately understood, and immediately no longer loud.

On the ring, the Qing Dynasty a pair of clear eyes still took a smile, but smiling is bitter.

Liu Cheng Jun's horror eyes gradually changed, staring at her, "Who are you!"

"Haha! Who are I? I am not a gourmet cousin of Sikiki, Meteor Zongzong's main epic!"

Sikiki converges some emotions in the heart, and the face is still smiling and looking at her.

Liu Chengjun is not believed, always feel that the other party is not.

"Since you don't want to say, then it is." Tony, Liu Chengjun's eyes suddenly sinking, she is in my heart, even if it is eligible for the test, I have to kill the woman in front of him.

This woman gives her strong uneasiness, and very dangerous, and will inevitably suffer!

The colorful glass sword in hand, directly on the Qi Xiaoai! Silver Mandaton flew out.

The surrounding closer, and those who are approaching the platform, they feel a strong killing, there are two people who have two places, suddenly stopped to see this.

One of them is Ye Liangchen, which is immediately out of mouth, "no good!"

The three elders of the flowers exposed the highlights, and some disciples were horrified.

When the moon, the moon was suddenly condensed, and the body stood up and wanted to rush to the ring.

However, it was pulled by Yun Yun, "Someone saved."

Electro-optical flame, ! !

A burst of energy hit the ruthless sound, the mouth of Liu Chengjun has made a mistake after seeing the situation.

Surrounded around, "" Where is this person, come out? "

"Big ... big master?" Lin Yuan looked at the people who appeared in the ring, she didn't believe it. I once again smashed my eyes. I looked hard. This is determined.

"What's going back to a big master?"

Epic eyebrows, "Hey, this guy is still a bit used."

The left filler is just moving, and suddenly it is calm.

A person who recognizes the people's holy area on the ring, one by one is a horrified appearance, and if they did not expect their big master, there was no sign.

Paying for Yu Yu, I can't help but scare a jump. "How is the big master? Also saved ?"

"Hey ... awkward?" Liu Chengjun was surprised to watch him appear in this way, and he can't control it in his heart.

The surrounding people also heard that she called the other party, but also showed surprised, "What? He is the big master of the sanctuary?"

"The sanctuary is the master is coming? It's still to save the Sai Shui? Which this is going?"

The masters of the martial arts are also unsatisfactory.

Lingzong's three elders immediately: "Zone, you don't think there is some strange? Left messenger is not a representative of the south, represent the big master to solve things? Now he is also coming? Or before and after? Is there a big thing to happen? "

The second elders immediately agreed this: "I also think that there is something to happen, I don't know if it is related to the spiritual."

Lu Yan is generous, calm replies: "Wonderful, let's take a look again."

When I saw the scene on the platform, the month was also sitting again, I looked at the Yun Yun, "Have you seen him?"

"Well." Yun Hao is light, and it responded.

The moonlight is angry: "However, the big dominant shot the opponent of his daughter, this is a solution."

"No, look down, everything will be announced." Moon left.


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