After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2618 I was killed ...

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Liu Chengjun saw Liu Heng attitude again and became uns, tone, "You are really useless, and a big man can be punished by your mother, it seems that there is nothing."

"Oh? Do you think that the squatting board is very useless?" Yan Shii has picked his eyebrows, and his eyes have a pointed heaven.

"However, I feel that I am the best, my best, the most handsome, and the posture of him is also so good!"

said, the corner of his mouth can not help but show a sweet laugh, it seems that it is very pleasant to the picture at that time.

Longfei night laughed: "I will be punished, I will have a bad thing, I am afraid that she is blaming, and then he will find him, and finally he is with her top bag? "

Yun Yuzhen looked at him, "Yes, after removing bones, the brain is still changing."

"Are you boasting me?" Longfei night suddenly didn't have a good airway.

"You can be as it is." Yun said.

Several a few next to it immediately.

The Liu Chengjun on the ring is disdain, "You are really good to have your feelings."

"That is nature, but, unfortunately, my mother is unfortunate in an accident, but my stupid, but I lost me later, '..."

Speaking of this, the face of Yan Shiqi also became lost, and the eyes had sad look.

There is a tarthen disciple to slowly: "How do I think that Yishi is actually very poor ..."

"It is really a poor life from a small lady."

Liu Heng lips slightly slightly slightly slightly, looked at Yan Xiaoni to say, and finally slowly opened: "You ... How will you discard you?"

I heard him suddenly asked, Liu Chengjun was very surprised.

Shii looked at him, and his eyes gradually became cold. "I was killed ..."

Working, I looked at Liu Heng, which was surprised, and then said: "Killing me replaces my identity, I am stupid, there is no doubt, I also put the murderer as the baby, big, big, you said ... ... this is not he lost, what? ""

"What ... What?" Suddenly revealing the horror of Liu Heng, but Liu Chengjun.

The people around also flew the pot in an instant, as she was a heavy bomb.

Someone is awake: "Isn't it? Is it her own?"

Longfei night can not help but surprised: "Good guys, this amount of information is too big."

Yue Yushen can't help but want to understand what, I looked at the moon and left with Yun Yu, and I saw Xiao Xiaoki ... It turns out.

When Yu Qing suddenly took the table: "This is dead! Don't let me meet Xiaiki, or not he!"

Epic's eyes glanced at it, got down and said: "Well, if you encounter, I will support you."

Liu Chengjun's heart is very strong, looking at the , there is an idea that makes her own horror uneasy.

This makes her very scared, impossible, it is impossible!

At this moment, I can't control so much. She must stop the Skianti from going on, and immediately pointed to her. "What do you say? What do you want to attract everyone?"

"Domestic mouth!" Liu Heng drunk.

Liu Chengjun looked at him, but he couldn't believe it.

Even people in the Shengya are unable to believe, "the big master is the husband?"

"God! What is wrong with the big master?"

I can't help but think about it, "the big master will not be poisoned, so it is controlled? It is too difficult to ask people to believe ..."

When Liu Heng once again visited Xiao Nai, the expression was changed, the lips were like a little trembling, and the eyes were a little nervous. "I asked you, you ... you just have the song of the song, is ... From?"? "

"What do I tell you? Do you let me say, I said?" Yizhen is slight, the expression is very disdain.


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