Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! However, Mikai can feel her warmth to her, turned to her, "Thank you."

The month can not help but shake his head. "Since it is a friend, why do you need to say thank you?"

When Sun Ni suddenly laughed, the heart was very warm, very happy. When I got it, "Well!"

The red art has once again died, "no wonder ... ... no wonder the song you just sang, original, is your own ... ..." immediately looked opposite the opposite eyes shock, showing the fear of Liu Chengjun.

"How can you be so embarrassed? When you are a 11-year-old little girl? You can just have such a cruel thing!"

Longfei night will be , tapping her shoulders again.

In the moon, the month is cold, watching can't help but praise a pity.

The surrounding sounds sounded a series of , in a big gap, even some ladies, and even the people who came out and lost some of the things that lost to the ring.

The first quarter is also in a short period of time, it has become a small garbage dump ......

If you don't dare, you want to let go of Liu Chengjun, and her body is also scattered in some things, the image is wolf.

In fact, those in the holy area can be blocked, but they don't ...

Liu Heng is immersed in his own thoughts, and the heart's sense of self-sharing is getting stronger and more strong, and where to pay attention to Liu Chengjun next to it.

Lin Yuan also couldn't help but heard the words of Xia Xiaoni, his heart is painful, and he is almost tearful.

Yun Wei looked almost, once again released the ban on Liu Chengjun.

"You said!" Liu Chengjun was liberated again after being forced 'banned.

When she said, she also listened to the more palpse, but I didn't want it. "Sun Kiki, you just said that you are true, holding a red gold bell, then do you want to say, you have established a contract with Red Golden Bell? "

"And! Since you said that you are true, I kill you? You don't think it is ridiculous? Are you really? Hahaha! What do you do?"

This is what I just said when I was saying that I was said to be said, and I thought it was too good.

"It seems that it is right, Yan Xiaoanti said that he is true, and he is also killing, but also fed poison, then how did she live?"

Everyone didn't understand this question.

"Yes, I am killed by you, come over." , "You are too big! Ha! You don't know? My Master is going to give me a top Dan medicine, as me The life is in my ring. "

She said that everyone unexpectedly, what kind of medicinal medicine can still be resurrected in people who die twenty knives?

Shiqi lifted his right hand, swayed: "I know that you are thinking, when you are throwing the dead, I have taken the space ring in my hand, even my colorful glass sword is taken by you. Get, I changed from the Dan medicine? How did I take the Red Ginger Bell? "

"It should be that I will not be absolutely, you put so many knives, I still have a breath! Hahaha! Maybe the old man is helping me, just think that I am dead and looking for someone to handle the body, I Exhausted the last strength, take out the Dan medicine in this ring, gave yourself, and then lifted the relationship between the contract with the space rings and the colorful glass sword. "

"When you come back, you will completely 'death' ..."

"Surprised? You took the space rings on my body, but I still have one, this is also you don't know, this ring is usually stealth, you certainly don't know."

, but watching Liu Chengjun's eyes is cold and cold, and the killing is strong.


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