After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2658 people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Confirmation? Don't recognize it, then continue!"

When the words, Yun Yu looked directly up and stepped on the right thigh in the right side of the other.

... ...

Bohoon is a shrinkage, and he yelled on the spot: "Ah !!" He very obviously feels that his two leg bone breaks.

"Do you admit it?" Yun Yu will continue to ask.

The other party is already a cold cold, the forehead of the large sweat, the teeth are bite.

This is obvious, the other party is hurting.

Xuanmen's headcar, see this, the cold ,,

The disciples in other Xuanmen have shouted: "Clean! You don't too much!"


When I heard them, Yun Yu was once again looked again, looked at them, and his eyes got to the Xuanmen head of the ones and mouths.

"Is enough? He should ask him, he doesn't accept it, I am very helpless." Yun said, can not help but somewhat innocent.

Moon Moon White Now I laughed: "This will be shameless."

"It's very reasonable! How come?" Longfei said very supported.

I am lying on the ground, but I am painful, my mouth is trying to open: "I ... I recognize ..."

... ...



The sound of the bone break, as well as the white moonlight again.

And, a few disciples from Xuanmen roar.

The people of the dragon family, I feel very dissolutely, they know that the dusty dust is because of their young owners, all will change their revenge.

However, for these behaviors of Yun Yu, there are always some people's ideas than ordinary people.

For example, the second elders of the dragon family have, Longhua said, "This ... is it for Dragon Tiger, is it for Xuanmen?"

"God! Is this not obvious to dig a blow pit? Master, you see, this is not in the help of the dragon, it will die at all in Runham!"

Long Qing also couldn't help but say: "So, the people in the Long family will encounter Xuanmen, I am afraid it will be retalled to a greater extent."

"Master!" Longhua quickly shouted.

Dragon Tian arrogantly tied to Dragoni to look at them.

It is not very happy in the eyes, and Long Tian is proudly: "Shut up!"

Longhua can't help but be a "" Master, you are tending clean? If you have a disciple, if you have a disciple, how do you explain it! "

"This family does not need to explain anyone." Long Tian said coldly, he turned his head and didn't look at them.

Dragoni said: "Longjia people are not bothering people, people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, if people commit me, it is bound to be! You don't even understand this reason?"

Longhua and Longqing were blocked by Dragoni, I didn't dare to speak casually.

When he turned, the two quickly gave the dragon Eagle hint.

Dragon Eagle said: "Listen to the lessons of the old ancestors, look at yourself."

This is finished, but, I can't help but think about what I'm thinking about the Yunyu in the ring.

However, at this moment, the white moonlight has been stuck in the hands of the two hands, and it has already been unconscious.

Xuanmen's head collar a pair of darkness is also dissatisfied with cold cream, "dusty ..."

The Mono-Demoni is already standing, in fact, it is scared ... Heart: Who will die?

Until people have passed, Yun Yu seems to have observed some, and said that it is faint. "Well, there is still a breath, can't die, you can make the announcement."

Other people's mouth is full of pumps ... too fierce!


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