After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2674 City? is it you?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Suddenly airborne two people in their No. 1, let Yan Dynasty suddenly shocked when he was Di Lei.

Yan Jin coughed with coughing top two steps, testing: "Girl? Are you going wrong? Here is the platform for us, you ..."

"Shut up!" Murongfishue is a sorrowful eyes look at him.

Yan Dynasty is instant ...

The back is swallowed back, and then he is not polite. "I want to tell you, we are temporarily ready to fight, No. 1 is welcome."

After retreating immediately, I didn't forget to pull Shi Lei back, and I said, "Let's go back to the back, don't bother the girl communicate with others."

Shi Lei's mouth smoked, and it is really admired his face speed.

Murongfei Xue Xiu Xiu Xiu Yi Ren, laughing at her: "Fengcheng, about your business, I know one clear, he is your parent brother?"

Her words, Feng Yijing immediately rebuked her, "What do you do? I want to use me to threaten the city!"

"Yes?" Murongfei smiled: "But today, your brothers and sisters can't run, casual, threatening, no difference."

Feng Yiran heard the words, and immediately worried about the moon, "City? Is you? You don't worry, your brother will protect you! Never let them hurt you!"

However, if he will not only let the moon to move, let the moon will be sick, and the eyes are cool, and the fluctuation does not.

Next to the face of the face and cold, you will look cold, look at the opposite phoenix.

At a certain corner of the battlefield, this moment, Mingcheng followed one or two people who could not help but vomit.

Mingyi god and his disappointment: "Dead fake goods, if you are so disgusting, what he also said?"

"Yes! I don't worry about my death." Mingcheng walked coldly.

"However, the master and the big sister can still listen, it is really difficult for them." Mingmang said, I can't help but nod.

Some people around, doubt: "Is it really a phoenix city?"

"Feng Yi Ren said she is, maybe?"

"However, did not recognize the month?"

Lingzong people can't help but understand, is it a sister of Feng Yiran?

The eyes of the cold days, look at Feng Yiran seems not very satisfying.

And Feng Yiran also had some palpitation at the moment, the other party did not respond?

His already believed that the other party is a phoenix city, but why do the other person recognize himself?

Murong Fei Xueyou light, direct opening: "Feng Cai City, why don't you talk? You should not be for life, even your own friends don't recognize it?"

The moon is still cold, watching them, calmly makes it difficult to touch.

Feng Yiran suddenly bite his teeth, turned to look at Murong Fei Night, "It's enough! You don't forced her again! No matter what, I will not let you hurt her!"

Murongfisho hooked up and smiled coldly. "You are really a good brother, but you are unfortunately, your sister is cold and ruthless, completely don't care about your life and death. A touch of killing, "Feng Town, do you really don't care about your brother's life?"

Yuan Yizi head is tightening, loudly: "Flying snow! What are you doing?"

Murong Fei Xue glanced at the ???


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