After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2676, the chicken skin falls out.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Those black people have been close to the platform, but when they rushed to the second quarter, a transparent barrier appeared, rebounded them back.

This situation makes Murong Fei Don, "damn!"

Before Murongfei, I also arouse the dissatisfaction of Spiritual disciples, but also let Yan Xiaowi are very uncomfortable, and suddenly, no matter what month, they just said, they directly stood up.

: "What are you saying? So good people, how can you help? I am not?" The time I didn't look at Murongfei, show the disdainful look: "Don't put Everyone wants to follow you, you are like this, nature is no longer rare. Hey! "

When the flow of the meteor, there is a bit worried, "the Shi Nai teacher will help this time, will not be tired of us?"

Next to one person is said: "What is afraid? But can she dare to move in the sanctuary?"

Those people think, suddenly rest assured.

The cold eyes of the cold days look to Liu Heng, and Liu Hei feels the sight of the opponent, one of them directly back, it seems to say: What do you want?

"Hey!" Yi Hui directly turned directly.

Epic eyebrows, smiles, not bad.

The red art is also toned to get up: "Just! I am in the sister!"

Murongfei snow is sinking, looks at the , " ..."

Just then, Yun Yuyi also stood up, and I was sorry for the month: "I don't want to sit at the show, but she said, I suspect that my feelings about you, that No. This is an innocence of you! "

When I was ink, I got it, "Hey ... so cold."

Longfei night is shining, "the chicken skin falls out."

I heard this month, I couldn't help but I wanted to turn white eyes. When did this guy, but also say such a meat?

On the side, I looked at Yun Yu, special disdainful tone: "Do it."

In this way, the moon is slippery and slides down the black line, and it is a bit embarrassing. "In fact, he is not like this, really."

Forgetting your eyes, you will be slightly smashed, faint, with obvious skeptical.

When the moon is sudden, it is indifferent, and some bareness is barely.

Yun Yun is tall and tap, and the eyes have been scored. I walked towards the second quarter.

The latter month ink white and the dragon fly night, and Yan Shiqi and red art are also followed.

Murongfei Xue is very uncomfortable. Listening to Yun Yun said, it has seen the interaction of the moon and forgetting worry, very unhappy.

The hands of Feng Yiran neck were also uncomfortable, and Feng Yi was almost by her could not breathe, suddenly struggled, to her hand, when they were in, Murongfei resumed a reason, looked at the eyes A few proximal phoenixi, glance over.

Murong Fei Xue turned his head and smiled and smiled. Hahaha! "

The people around listened to her, and some people couldn't help but feel horrified, and some people watching the moon.


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