Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The cold .....

Hu Li is the most happy, and I can't get it in my heart. Pakistan is not forgetting to die.

Lu Yan turned his head to the cold day, and the tone was a bit casual: "Old Yi, see the same thing, I will send you a sentence, don't die, I will die."

Yi Han Tian heard the Lu Yan suddenly opened, his mouth was slightly settled, and since the main owner dared to do, it would be sure. "Donned Tao:" I just as long as the brothers and sisters, the other people of Lingzong will not If you participate, there will be no things. However, the two apprentices don't seem to be similar? "

He said, the next two people are not happy.

Lu Yan smiled: "With their place."

He said, so that the big people around those people were could not help but weird. Is this not going to manage the death of your apprentice?

Three long, I want to shoot very much, but Lu Yan is not allowed.

Liu Heng saw that Xiaomiu also added the battle, and he couldn't help but expose it. "What is this kind of matter? It is not afraid of being hurt."

"She is not as you." The epic was faintly returned.

Liu Heng immediately looked at him, "What do you mean by this? I am afraid of death?"

"I look like it." Epic replied.

"You!" Liu Heng suddenly didn't cool, and immediately said: "But she is helping her own love."

This will make epic smile at the same time, and epic is: "Where did you see it?"

"They have two marriages, always have to be friends." Liu Heng said very serious.

After the epic heard, he just picked his eyebrows. But I didn't plan to say, anyway, it is also a waste of saliva.

On the side of the left email, it is the most quiet, and it is always indifferent looks, but the depth of the eyes is a fierce complicated.

Murongfei, standing on the 1st, the eyes contained a smile and looked at the situation of the second quarter.

There are also a few black people who are not simple to protect her side.

"Fengcheng, you still give up against the rebellion! Today is not going out."

The month has been calmly standing in the middle of the platform, and the black people are not forgotten when they are about her, they are not forgetting.

A wave of people in a wave of people is approaching.

I heard Murongfishue, the faint evacuation of the moon, smiled: "How do you know that we have to flee? I have not planned to escape, but I am going to continue to try!"

Murong Fei Shu suddenly wiped out, "Oh, life is gone, and think about the trial? Tianzhen."

"Is it? I don't think." The month is rising from the corner of the mouth, and the eyes are also revealing a confident smile.

The prison has also appeared, and the appearance of Zhong Yu has also made it easy to cross the same color, "the people of the temple."

Immediately see the sound of repair, cold sullet, seems to have a good question, "Shandian Lord, you are going to make the temple to do interference private grievances?"

: "Xuanwu said."

Bai Xuanwu immediately understood what it means. Anyway, the old man is the most likely to say one word with the outside.

Turning, the same is the same as the cold sky, "Miss Feng, is the friend of our hometown, Zhong Wei is under the hands of our young temple. We are a representative of young temples, with friend's identity, and It is not a temple. "Words a meal, and then said:" If Yi Zong is the word, this is the word of the temple, maybe, my messenger can let everyone know, what is the real 'Temple interference'. "

Threat! This is a threat!


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