After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2833 is really doubtful

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "No." Dongfang strange shook his head: "In fact, I have doubts at the time, and I also took a person to follow, but I lost it, and I didn't appear again."

The moon is light, and the look in the eye is a little dignified, and the man said by the oriental strange is too suspicious ...

"About Phoenix Blood Essay, I know so much, you still have questions, I must tell you." Oriental strange looked at the moon.

"It is not necessary." The month left.

The people of the dragon family have a deep suspicion of the man, and the other party must have concealed what, and take the initiative to send the phoenix and blood jade to the Eastern strange? This is not normal!

Why suddenly asked the monthly asked the phoenix and blood jade, they don't know, but Yun Yun is because guessing, there is a relationship with Feng.

The moon will go to the heart, look at the three elders, ask: "Can there be a free room in this house?"

"Empty room room? Some, the next door is it." The three elders immediately answered.

The month is away, "Okay, then take it first."

"What is this doing?" San Long people could not help.

The four elders have also looked at her, and it is full of mind, "Is it going to give me a detoxification?"

"No, it is given to Van Si." The moon said to see Van Si.

"I?" Van Sisi stunned, but did not expect the month to say it, start preparing.

After the reaction, immediately sounded: "Thank you, thank you Miss Feng."

"Don't have, you should thank yourself." The month is deserted.

Van Si is looking at the moon, and I don't know what to say.

I haven't said much to the moon, and I look at Lu Ziyue. "Can I help?"

Lu Ziyue has some unexpected accidents. "Of course, the city sister can say it."

The moon saw the four elders, indicating the way: "I will give the four elders to detoxify, Van Sisi, need to help look at it."

Lu Ziyue suddenly understood, immediately got up: "Okay."

Fan Sisi is a woman who has not been a pavilion, and the man is not suitable.

The month will go outside the house, and the Oriental Mono is busy with the Hi Sisi to keep up.

This is just a matter of time, and Van Si's footiffness is also a lot more.

Walking is a legs, and there is even awareness of the awareness, and even she can't control it.

"Sisi, or I will carry you in the past!" Oriental strange couldn't bear to see her so reluctant, and suddenly thought she would go back.

However, Van Sisi refused, "No, I can go."

Van Sisi strives to calm down, grabbing the hand of the Oriental stranger, and strives to keep it normally, but still can't control the jump.

Seeing Van Sisi, I went out, and the four elders were busy and went back from the house.

I can't help but weird, "What are you doing?"

"Do you have a walking path?" Four years old, and a look, you know what you ask.

I feel that I have no problem, this is loose, "Fortunately, fortunately, I am more poisoned than her."

Yun Yun is eye-catching, and asked him: "The four elders can feel that the body still does other discomfort?"

"In addition to sides of the shoulders, there is a bit of don't know, both hands are not very flexible, tooth itch, others are still better." The four elders feel like Van Si, I am very glad that I have to be too much.


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