After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2843 Someone is looking for?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Forgot to worry, I looked at the eyes, and the lips were slightly hooked. "So you don't say, keep it secret, so the city will be happy."

Xiao Yan, I heard that the month will be happy, immediately tibble: "Okay! Small mouth is the stricter."

"Well, you also help tonight." Forgetting worried, I can't help but pick the eyebrows, watching a small smile, a smile.

"Good!" Xiaoyu did not hesitate, immediately northern the head should be said.

And when they look at them, I don't understand, "the master is ready to make it do?"

"I have known night." I have forgotten my heart.

"Forgetting your worries! Forgetting your worries!" Yuxiangyuan called Qu Xiangyuan.

"Things are close." Forgot to open the mouth.

Several men quickly took one, and the people outside it went to the door.

"What is it?" I forgot to see that Park Xiangyuan is not right, first asked.

Blood-blooded words: "Is it something wrong, still a big event."

Forgetting your worries, I am slightly squatting, "Someone is looking for?"

"This is more serious than looking for a good!" Park Xiangyuan quickly said, followed by: "Just said the color of the ribus, the Yutang of the Zongmen, who is in his hand, but is inexplicably dead. ! There is also Yu Xiaolong missing. "

I have an accident in the forgottenness, but it is still very calm and asked: "Dinner?"

"Well, it is very sudden." The blood said, "said that Yan Dynasty," Yan Jin said that from the scene of the corpse wounds, it is caused by World of Warcraft, the most strange thing is It is divided into the body. The lower part of the jade fox is still eaten to Warcraft. Do you know what this means? "

In the words of the bloody, several people in the house suddenly suddenly turned into the face.

"Master! Some people want to fall with Miss!" Mingmang said, emotional excitement.

The wild is cold and said, "The master, the murderer must be the people at the scene at the time, it is right to take advantage of us with the basin, so I will marry this opportunity!"

"Master, what should I do now?" Mingcheng is in an emergency.

Xiaoyu is also angry, and I am very dissatisfied: "I have to deal with the owner, it is too bad!"

Forgot to worry, it is clearly cold, I was originally destroyed by a good mood to prepare a surprise to the moon.

He has not opened his mouth, and he has said: "Yan Dynasty said that the words seem to be identified by this matter is that you are in the city."

"And all people today have seen it, the city is not only the sacred beast, but also the beast, if the beast wants to kill the jade fox, it is not alarming others, it is easy."

Forgotten the face of the condensed face, there is also a touch of the brightening, "can also prove, not the contract of the city."

"Well, I think so, so obvious clues, anyone wants to think of your sister in the first time." Park Xiang nodded: "So this is more impossible to be her, just, the bunch doesn't think much."

Park Xiang said, "Look at him", it should be determined that you can't get rid of the system with this matter, you are straight, it is the requirements of you, you can find you with your sister! "

"Right, he said, the words of other people will come together, this will be, and the color has been looking for your sister. How do you plan?"


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