After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2847 said that the Lord is not a good thing?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The dragon's family, and the sanctuary is just from another road, and a few of them are gathered together.

Seeing the month, I was still at the door, forgot to hurry, slowly sculpt the monthly pass: "Why don't you go in?"

"See the master brother." There are a few gifts.

Forgot to take a little bit, "Free Gifts."

When the moon is suddenly laughing, "" This doesn't feel it, please go in, wait for you to go in again. "

"Let's go!" Forgot to worry about the mouth of the mouth, he can't help but flow out a smile.

Yun Wei immediately greeted him, "brother."

"My family is still a woman who has not been a pavilion." Forgot to look at him directly, I will go back to him, I'm going down, and then I added it again, "forgot worrover."

What does this mean? Don't call your brother, can you call the name directly?

Yun Wei calmly responded: "Okay."

The moon always feels that they are even strange, and even miss, she knows that forgetting is not really annoying.

But as a brother's relatives, for her more, this is the true concern from the family, because she cares, I will naturally have a higher, attitude towards Yun Wei naturally. Strict.

Yun Yuyi is because it really likes yourself, so willing to change, willing to put a low gesture for her forgetting.

I feel warm in my heart, and I am very fortunate, the moon is smiling: "Okay, since people are here, one is going in!"

Lu Yan nodded, "Let's go!"

However, when the month will turn around, the footsteps are suddenly taught, and when he looks to Liu Hei, "the big master, how do you have left the sanctuary?"

Liu Heng has an accident. The month will suddenly ask the left filler, but still repayment: "She has left, even if she is still, she will not like this lively."

The moon is nodded, although some don't solve the opponent, I have left it again, but I didn't ask any more.

A group of people who walked in the courtyard, and the people in the hospital heard a lot of footsteps, and they went to see.

"Lu Zong, everyone is coming." Xedong said first.

Epic nodded towards his party, and some of the main owners of other Zongmen also greeted them.

Lu Yan also responded that it is basically ignored by ignoring the words, and even the corner is too lazy.

The moon is hidden with the silk smile, looking at the words: "If it is not coming, I am afraid, there should be more serious inner domestics, should it be more serious?"

"What is your meaning?" When you are bunch, you will be cold.

"The Lord is not a good thing." The month is crying to ask him.

This makes the words are very unhappy, but it is not good to attack.

The words of the eye saw that Yan Dynasty was still standing behind them, and the inner heart was immediately in the idea, when it is straightforward.

The sound is extremely cold: "The Lord makes you calling people, have you come back now?"

Yan did not help but feel speechless, immediately came out, replied to him: "The disciples will first inform the forget of the son, and then rush to the Miss Feng Miss, and they will come back."

"Let you notify them, don't let you go to the way? Are you still reasonable?" When you are bun, you will be scrambled.

The moon is also obviously felt, and the words are looking for it, nothing to find.

However, Yan Di did not be afraid of him, but continued to calm: "The disciples did have no way, just just like the same way, the primary, the disciple should not walk with them, I feel that the disciples are humble, still identity of……"

"Shut up!" This question asked for a bunch of words, obviously wanted to look back from Yan, which didn't face it.


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