After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2849, if there is no dumb

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! In addition, some disciples are also indignant: "There are also these people now have no corpses, they are also the people in our watershed, what do they do? It is also harmful to the poisonous hand! Here is the foundation of the meteor. Once you don't know here? "

Almost everyone is a man, a few disciples, but it is paying attention to the Yun Yun.

But as far as these men's disciples are sad, there are those words, which is already the best support for words.

It is also more helpful, and some people around them have also been infected with the same emotions.

The unity, Yang Jian immediately said: "The matter checked out the stone out of the rock, so that there is a fair in the basin."

Some of the people on the side nodded and said support.

But there are also sneaked sneaks to see the month, it seems to be a little worried.

This allows the month to cry, and the words are in 'grief', and they are also waiting for Bai Xuanwu.

Even if you know the Hall of the Temple, the Hall of the Temple will leave the moon, he also wants to make any one-line performance.

Bai Xuanwu headed, sighed, "Your Yutang is indeed a very embarrassing."

"So the first time I found that the first time I notified each, it was a fair to dispose of the murderer, and I also had a fair in the basin, and I also gave birth to Ansheng! I can't let him die unknown!" Say.

"Why is it not to inform the Temple?" Bai Xuanwu said with him, his eyes were faint, but the tone was slightly.

If you can't help it, you can't help it. If you ask, he didn't respond.

The people around also stunned, many people quickly saw the dust, I want to know what attitude he is.

At this time, the cold scorpion of the Qing Xiu dust is indeed in the bunch of words. Although not talking, don't talk, people are more worried.

And the reaction came, immediately explained: "Shandian Lord, you don't misunderstand. In fact, this is a heart, you can make a busy business, and this matter is already able to determine what For, just ask all the associations, but also want everyone to help the basin, discuss it. "

"So, there is no alarmedian, just, I don't know the Temple already know the news, you are still coming. The words are honored, you are so busy, you will come here."

For the words of the words, people feel that it is empty, but there are not many words, mainly to see the dust attitude.

The moon is faintly watching, this guy is so hope that the murderer is ourselves?

After the words, I looked at the dust, waiting for his response, the other side is still a cold eyes look at him.

This makes him can't control, and there is some in your heart.

"Who?" Heroic dust.

When I was bunch, I watched the moon. I wanted to say that I didn't dare to say it. I looked at the moon. The shredded movement, I hesitated.

This is what you can see, what he wants to say.

Yun Wei looked at him coldly, "said the Lord, if it is no dumb, talk."

This is a bunch of expressions, and some are somewhat uncomfortable. The people who speaks are Yun Wei, he can't sin, and the heart is not unhappy.

Immediately, I showed: "Hey, the murderer is Fengli City."



"you wanna die!"


After the words, I immediately took a few sounds, and people who speaking were squatting, and the momentum climbed.

The disciples of the basin also have a bunch of words, and they have retired two steps.


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